chapter three

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For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking Makes it so- William Shakespeare hamlet.

Chapter three:

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed like I had actually gotten a full night of sleep. I jumped in the shower and sang what ever came to my mind.

I hopped out of the shower and got ready to go down to the pool. On the way out of my hotel room I tripped on a table leg and laughed like a maniac. What was wrong with me?

I skipped out the door smiling like an idiot. I got to the pool and talked to Paul before getting started with the filming for the day. It was the scene where I, or Sahra to be more precise, prepared for the world record she was going to set.

I ate lunch with Orlando and tom and after went out with tom to his favourite restaurant. we sat and talked about junk and he drove me home afterwards . I got a text from Orlando asking, wait no, telling me to join him for dinner tomorrow night and I swiftly accepted his invitation.

Moments later I got a similar text from tom. ' I'm busy tomorrow night, how about Friday?' I texted back. He responded with a winky face which I took to be a yes.

I laid in bed with a stupid smile on my face. It had been a long time since I had gone to bed this happy.
The week had gone by quickly and I had spent all of my free time with either tom or Orlando since the beginning of the film. Which I didn't mind, I enjoyed not being alone.

It was Sunday morning. Tom sat on my bed while I sat in the other room on the couch. The good the bad and the dirty by panic at the disco played in the background as we talked.

"Alright tom. Get off your ass and  let's do something." I said. I made my way over to the "kitchen". You can't really call it that. It was just a small counter space and a microwave. The mini fridge was over by the bed which was strange but Americans do things a little differently.

I got out like five avocados, some tomatoes, and a eight small peppers. Tom came up behind me and put his arms around me from behind, clasping them together on my stomach. "Guacamole?" Tom asked resting his chin on the top of my head.

"That's correct. Here cut these tomatoes" I slipped out of his arms and handed him the tomatoes.

"How do you listen to this?" Tom asked.

"Panic at the disco? Tom, their the best band to have ever lived."

"Okay. I just, I don't know. Have you listened to the lyrics?"

I rolled my eyes " you sound like my mom. I can change it if you'd like"

"No, no its fine. If this is what you want to listen to I'll respect that. Speaking of music, there's this awesome club just down the road. We should go tonight. They've got live bands"

"Yeah, that sounds great" I said smashing the avocados with a fork. "DIE!" I told them.

"What?" Tom turned and stared.

"Sorry, I was talking to my avocados, not you."

He did that "ehehe" laugh that he does and I smiled. That laugh could grow flowers.
That night I got dressed in my best dress. I didn't dress up very often but I kind of fancy it. It makes me feel more confident. I flexed in the mirror admiring my swimmer muscles.

I heard a knock at the door. That must be tom. I exited the bathroom and opened it up for him. He entered the room and my jaw dropped. His shirt wrapped tightly around his abdomen so tightly I thought the buttons might brake in one wrong movement. He had slicked back his hair kind of like how khan did it from star trek.

He held his arm out and I slung my arm through it. "You're looking lovely tonight. But then again, you always look lovely." I blushed a little. Turning away and giggling.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I told him.

We took a cab to the club which was a little more crowded then I would have liked but I didn't complain. I stood awkwardly off to the side with tom before he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the room. He showed off his shaky hips thing which I attempted to copy but it didn't really turn out In my favour. He laughed at my attempts which were probably really terrible. Okay not probably, they were terrible for sure.

"I'll be right back" he yelled over the music "wait for me by the bar" he walked toward the door. I watched him leave and turned around bumping into the guy behind me.

"I'm so sorry" I said.

"You're fine" he said turning around. Orlando?

"Wait. Zaria? What are you... Who did you come here with?"

"I came with tom. He went to go do something. Who did you came here with?"

"Paul and timothee. I asked you but you said you were busy. Zaria? What's going on. Have you been cheating on me with tom?"

"What? Orlando no. Its not like that. What do you mean cheating. We haven't been dating. All that stuff we did was just as friends, me and tom aren't dating either."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Oh good tom will help me sort this out.

"Orlando. Good to see you."

" I'm not so sure how I feel about seeing you. I mean you are here with my girlfriend."

"Zaria? What does he mean by that?"

Orlando didn't let me answer. " me and Zaria have been dating. And now she's cheating on me with you."

"What do you mean Zaria has been dating you?"

"Guys, listen. let me explain " I started. They didn't listen or let me explain. Instead they started shouting at each other.

This went on for a couple of minutes before they both fell silent and turned to me. "So which one of us is it"


"Choose, Zaria, you can't keep dating both of us." Orlando said.

"Your making me choose? You guys are both my best friends make that my only friends. But I was never dating either of you. Choosing between you is like choosing between two of your own children"

"Were not your children Zaria, I have to know" Orlando persisted.

I shook my head " I need more time to think" I backed up and ran out the door. I don't know if they followed me but i wasn't going to take my chances so I swerved into an alley way that no one, accept maybe drug dealers, would turn down. I turned down several more dark suspicious alley ways before realizing I was now lost in a really sketchy neighborhood. The whole street smelled like cigarettes and cat piss.

I heard footsteps behind me and sped up a little. I glanced back every once in a while but wasn't able to see anyone or anything for that matter. There were no street lamps so the I could only see about a foot in front of me.

I turned down another street and walked a few meters before realizing that it was a dead end. I turned around but I was confronted by three large men. I couldn't see if they had guns or not but it was more likely then not.

I'm going to die was my first thought. I backed up against the wall as far as I could.

"What's a pretty little lady like yourself doing in a neighborhood like this" one of the men said.

I tried to answer but nothing came out my heart was beating so fast and I could feel it In The back of my head.

"The boss 'll love this one."

They began to walk toward me and
I screamed. I was dead for sure.

I Dont Want To Be Alone (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now