chapter six

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"If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"- William Shakespeare, the merchant of Venice.

chapter six:

Toms p.o.v

It had been four days. She still hadn't shown up. By now I was pretty sure something terrible had happened to her, Which made me worry. I hardly slept at night because of the worry and stress, which didn't make things any better. Orlando was the same way. I watched the way he played with his hands when he wasn't thinking about it. In a way I felt bad for him. He blamed himself for what had happened, no matter how many times I told him it wasn't.

We had gone and talked to the police who said they would work on it. We gave them details and Zaria's personal information. and now all we could do was wait. wait for some kind of ransom or for the police to find out where she had gone. she had better show up soon, peter was already trying to find some one new to play her part.

zarias p.o.v
I woke up with a pain in my gut. Hunger? Maybe dehydration? I wasn't sure but I had had neither water nor food for the past four days that I had been here. I called for Jake who immediately comes into the room

"Whatda ya want" he asks picking at his finger nail.

"I was wondering if I could have some water" I told him.

He shrugged and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. I closed my eyes again and began to wonder about tom and Orlando. They had probably noticed my disappearance by now, called the police, peter was probably even recasting by now.

Jake opened the door and motioned for me to get up. If I could get up. After a few failed attempts to to push myself up Jake came over and picked me up. He leaned me against the wall so I wouldn't fall over. It was difficult, I couldn't feel my legs. I could see them, but it was Like they weren't there. I poked them still feeling nothing. Jake handed me a cup of water and told me to drink.
But looking at the water I wasn't sure it would be safe. It was like mud. It smelled normal but it was way brown.

"Why is it brown?" I asked

"Listen here you ungrateful pig, drink your water" jake said.

I looked up in shock. That was the first time he had spoken to me that way. I did as I was told and sipped my "water". It didn't taste bad at all

"I'm sorry I called you that" jake said taking my cup after I was done. He picked me back up and laid me down in my bed pulling the blanket back over me.

"You're okay, don't worry about" I said. I was glad he had laid me back down because I was beginning to feel dizzy. The stuff I had just drank must have been filled with so many drugs.

"Do you want more water" he asked.

No, of course not. I shook my head. He pushed some hair that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear and left the room. I was alone to my thoughts once again.
I shot awake and was filled with the urge to run. i don't know. I just needed to get up and run around. but unfortunately my legs were not strong enough. every time i tried to stand on them I would collapse, plus the problem of actually getting onto my feet in the first place. i screamed at my useless attempts and Jake came strolling in with a stupid grin on his face. "need to go release some energy. yeah it did the same thing to the sheep, not what we intended for it to do, but could be useful if you needed to go run a marathon."

i grunted and swore at him. my body started to shake violently from all the energy that i couldn't get out. i got a sick feeling in my stomach and thew up the inside layer of my stomach. "did the sheep do that too" i asked.

"no, actually, they just ran around for a few hours and then passed out" jake told me. he folded his arms in front of him, he smirked.

I threw up some more and passed out.
There was a sharp pain in my arm and I shot awake. Jake gently pushes me back down and I relaxed. There was a six inch needle sticking out of a vein in my arm. Lovely.

"Now, tell me how you feel" Jake said taking the needle out of my arm and placing it beside my head.

"Strangely calm" I told him. it was true, he had just taken six inch needle out of my arm but did I care, no. I giggled a little at the memory of Jake putting a needle in my arm. what the hell? That's not funny. But in a way it was. That thing next to my head had been in my arm.

"Good, that's how you should feel" Jake put the palm of his hand on my four head and I giggled, that tickled. "Boss'll be glad to know its working "

He Spoke to me a while longer but I didn't understand a word he said. It sounded slightly like he was singing the pokemon theme song, but with the lyrics from happiness is a warm gun by the Beatles. I had to admit, he was a fabulous singer.

Orlando's p.o.v
She hung around my nightmares every night and stayed in my memory all day. What had happened was my fault. Tom told me it wasn't but he wasn't the one who yelled at her.

I finally, after a week or so after her disappearance, felt well enough to go back and start filming again. Although it was much different with Mackenzie foy playing zarias part.

We had spoken a few times but it just didn't seem right. It had only been week and Peter had already recast her part. Tom got along with Mackenzie pretty well, but that was a given, he got along well with everybody. I don't know why it made me angry. Maybe it was because he acted like he didn't care at all about his Zaria was gone when he was around her, but maybe I was just jealous of his kindness.

"Tom" I said as we sat together at lunch in the cafeteria on the set, the first place I had eaten with Zaria. "Do you even care about Zaria at all? I mean whenever I see you, you seem perfectly fine."
He tries to say something but I stop him "mostly it the way you act around Mackenzie, I mean, it's like you've completely forgotten her. You don't even care"

I should have stopped there but no, I was made at the way he acted so happy all the damn time."TOM, Zaria has been gone for a week, and you've given up."

"NO! Orlando, you don't get it. Your not the only one who cared about her. Your wrong when you say I don't Care, because I do! More than I've ever cared about anyone. And it hurts Orlando, although you wouldn't know, your to busy worrying about yourself to see how much I'm hurting. Your not the only one, I miss her so much, but there's nothing we can do." He shakes his Head, he's crying now, " you may not understand this, but I loved her. And the fact that we can't do anything but wait, its... its just, I cant think about it." He whips his cheeks and say,"I'm sorry I yelled at you" And he stands and leaves.

I couldn't describe how bad I felt.

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