chapter five

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Love all, trust a few
Do wrong to none. Be able for thine enemy,
Rather in power than use, and keep thy friend
Under thy own life's key, be check'd for silence,
But never taxed for speech.- William Shakespeare all's well that ends well.

Chapter five:

Orlando's p.o.v
Tom and I sat on Zaria's bed, dialing her number over and over again in hopes that she would pick up. She never did.

"You know, maybe she's just mad at us. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to us so she's not answering. Maybe we should have peter try calling her." I suggested.

Tom shrugged," I guess we could try." He dialed peters number.

"Ah peter, tom here, I was wonder if you could call Zaria for us. She's not..." He listened to peter for a bit before turning over to me. "He's already tried" he said to me covering the bottom of his phone with his hand. He talked to peter for a while longer before hanging up.

Fear spread through me as I saw the look on his face. "What?" I asked

"No ones heard from her since last night." He said quietly staring down at the phone in his hands.

"We have to go look for her" I said.

He laughed at me and said, " what the hell can we do"

I didn't know what we could do, but i did know that we couldn't wait a whole other day for the police to do something. She could already be dead. I sighed and left the hotel. I couldn't just sit around. Plus this whole situation was kind of my fault. If anything happened to her I don't know how I would live with myself.

I made my way back over to the club. Tom said he already tried to talk to the manager and didn't get any where so I wouldn't waste my time there. "Excuse me" I walked over to one of the security guards by the door " were you on guard last Sunday night?" He didn't answer. He just kept staring in the direction he was looking. Alright let's start somewhere else.

Zaria's p.o.v
I woke to a loud ringing noise, not quite sure if it was just in my head or not. I rubbed my temples and gritted my teeth a little. My head throbbed and I could feel my heart beat from the inside of my skull.

The ringing continued and got louder every few seconds. I screamed from the pain in my ears," please, somebody help" it was useless but I tried it any way. I stuffed my head into my pillow and closed my eyes. It felt like my brain was shaking inside of my skull, hitting the edges and making my head vibrate.

After a few minutes I stared getting used to the pain. I rolled onto my back, still rubbing my temples. The door to my room swung open and a tall middle aged man came in with two others that looked identical. That can't be right. But no, it was the same man. Two of the men held my arms to the side while the other one stabbed a needle into my arm.

They stepped back and I began to feel quite dozy. "What did you do?" I tried to ask but it came out more like "hat id ooo dee"

My eyes fluttered shut and I fell into the darkness.

When i woke I was in a field. Blue sky above me green plants below me. I ran the palms of my hands over the tops of the plants smiling a bit. "Beautiful, isn't it" I heard a voice behind me say. I recognized it immediately. Tom!

I turned and saw his face. "Tom. I'm so glad to see you, what is going on?"

"You don't know? Zaria, were in heaven, we made it. Now we can be together forever." He placed a hand under my chin and tilted my head up. " now We can be together forever"

Pulling away from his hand I said, "Tom this is ridiculous. Tell me the truth"

"Believe it or not, we really are in heaven." He spun around swinging his arms away from his body.

I didn't know how to respond. Heaven? Was that even possible?

He came back to me and pulled me in a tight embrace. He laughed into the top of head," Zaria" he said my name a few more times before I pushed him away and walked in the opposite direction. Something was not right. But I couldn't focus.

Tom came back over to me " what's wrong, love?"

"Your not real. None of this is real. I've got to wake up." Wait, no, I couldn't wake up. I began to remember where I really was.

I looked up at tom and screamed. He had begun to melt. But as I looked around so was everything else.

My eyes shot open and I gasped for breath. I stared at the ceiling of my cell, my heart still racing madly. No, I want to go back. Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I realized how much I missed tom and Orlando. Why had I run out? I missed going out every night and goofing off. I would probably never get see them again. I was going to die here. I didn't even know how long I had been here. Was it days? Or more like months? Tom and Orlando had been the only people I had ever really cared about. And now, they were gone. I had nothing, except what's his name? Jake?

The door swung open and I sat up immediately. A fat short man came in and placed a chair by the door.
Sitting in his chair he said," well that first drug didn't work out so well, that's okay we'll try again"

"What was it?" I asked.

"Nothing. Its not important. I didn't work, we won't be trying it again"

Just the answer I was expecting to hear. "And what exactly was it supposed to do"

"Basically, it was supposed to be a happy pill. Make you feel more relaxed, less stressed, like you can accomplish stuff."

"Well that one was a failure" I said, telling him what he already knew.

He wrote a few things down on a clipboard and turned back to me. He stared for a few seconds.

I broke the awkward silence by asking ," so what's next? Can I go home?"

"No. You may not go home, and we actually have a different drug. Its in you system right now. Were just waiting for it kick in"

I shuttered. It was already in my system. I didn't feel any different. My breathing quickened. It may have been the drug or just my fright, but it was the only thing that happened. The silence continued, him staring, me staring back.

A couple of minutes later he called in Jake. "Give her more." He told him. Jake, a short man who was pretty much bones with skin, walked over placed a needle in my arm.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Great! Just peachy. Absolutely fantastic! Never felt better! I mean I'm stuck in this tiny cell with a needle stuck in my arm! Why wouldn't I be happy?" I told him sarcastically.

He smiled and removed the needle. Suddenly two more Jakes appeared and I felt a little dizzy. My face began to sting in a numbing kind of way. And soon my whole body felt like that. I began to shake. Jake and the fat man stared at me from over by the door. They talked to each other but I couldn't hear them. They must be talking about me. Making fun if me. They think this is funny! Well it wasn't funny. I tried yelling at them. I might have been successful but I was to worried about my fingers turning into butterflies to worry about scolding them for making fun of me.

I'm not lying they were butterflies. I laughed and tried to shake them off. I'm not going to lie. I kind of enjoyed having butterfly fingers.

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