chapter seven

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"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end will come when it will come"- William Shakespeare Julius Cesar.

chapter seven:

zarias p.o.v

my face laid flat against the cement floor of my cell. the smell of it made me want to puke, but there was nothing to throw up. I hadn't eaten anything. Jake came in and gave me a bowl of rice every once in a while but he hadn't for the past week or so. water was more consistent than food which made me a little grateful. not to mention the needles and the pills they fed me. I don't think those counted, mostly because they had no nutritional value at all. in fact they made me feel worse. which, as Jake told me, was the opposite of what they were supposed to do. but it wasn't like it bothered me anymore, it was just part of my daily routine, as normal as waking up.

I slept most of the day, the parts of the day where I wasn't in pain. but there was nothing else I could do. my body wasn't strong enough to do anything else but lay there and fantasize about what would happen once I got out of here. I had no idea how long I had been in here and asking was useless, but it had been a long time. so long I began to forget peoples faces, people who I had cared about and saw every day. gone. which also could have been all the drugs fault.

my hair had started to fall out, which I blamed on the drugs. and my eyesight and hearing began to weaken, plus I was covered in dirt and probably smelled so bad and not to even mention the state in which my fingernails and teeth were in. but other than all that stuff, everything was just a-okay.

the door screeched open as it always did and Jake came in. he stood in the doorway and wrote stuff down on his clipboard.

"let's try something different," he said " we've come up with a drug that is supposed to counteract all of those other drugs we gave you because none of them did anything useful. "

"if its anything like your other drugs it won't do what its supposed to do. " I managed to say.

"don't worry this one is not like those other ones, we put alto of thought and hard work into this one. were are sure it will work"

"did it work on the sheep," I coughed up mucus, gross.

"we have actually never tried this drug on anything, you will be the first living test subject," he said a little bit too cheerfully.

oh boy, lucky me, the first living thing to have ever tested this new super drug, they must really like me.

he squatted down next to me and tapped my arm to find a vein, sticking the needle in and push the thing down he told me all the stuff it was supposed to do. I didn't really listen, because, well, it didn't really matter what it was supposed to do, because it wasn't.

I felt a stinging sensation move up my arm which tickled a little. then all at once, it spread to the rest of my body. I let out a small cry of pain before passing out.

six months later,

My eyes were sealed shut, I couldn't open them. At first, I thought I had gone blind from all the drugs they had given me. But as I brought my hand up to touch my eyes, They were just closed. I had no idea where I was, but it wasn't my cell. Some kind of plant tickled my nose and poked my skin. Which was another thing, I had no clothes. What was with that. Had they just stripped me down and dumped me in a field?

I started to gain back feeling in my arms and legs and switched positions, rolling onto my back and looking up at the sky, well, what I thought was the sky, I still couldn't open my eyes so I wasn't quite sure what was above me. I pull my hand over my eyes and start to remove some of the glue on my eyelashes until I can successfully open them. I am immediately blinded by the light, Hiding my face in the crook of my arm, I begin to feel joy. I was free.

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