Chapter 14

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Sean awoke to find his room tidied up and the curtains drew back. A sun beam lay directly over Sean's eyes forcing him to wake up. Rose was making the spare hospital bed next to Sean's when a slight groan from Sean startled her as Sean chuckled mockingly. "Damnit Seanie, you scared me." Rose said whilst hitting Sean repeatedly. She seems to do that quite often, ironically after his concussion. "Chill out Rosie, damn" Sean said while attempting to defend himself to no avail. "Asshole" Rose muttered while landing a final blow to Sean's chest. "What time is it?" Sean muttered through a yawn while rubbing his face. "8 o'clock Sean. You get to go home today." "Good I'm sick of this damn IV." Sean said while standing up to stretch. The next hour went by in stark silence. Sean and Rose passed the time by watching TV or playing on their cell phones. No one even moved until Sean started craving his nicotine. Since his vape pen was nowhere near the hospital, he found his backpack which Rose had brought from the dominator. He always kept a fresh can of Skoal vanilla in the back pouch just in case of the absence of his vape pen, he could still get his fix. The doctor then knocked and entered the room. Sean managed not to get caught while still answering all the questions of the exit interview. "Finally" Sean said upon the doctors exit. He then began to pack his can, which he did more than dip. Most people bite their nails, or chew the dead skin around their fingers. Sean packed a snuff can. Eventually, Sean did take a dip, afterwards, he continued to pack the can. Packing the can involves gripping the sides with one's thumb and middle finger, you would then flick your wrist to cause your index finger to slap the top. Thusly packing the snuff into a dippable mound. Rose found the particular sound this made, absolutely maddening. After a half hour of Sean packing the can, only stopping for a minute at most, she stole the can and tossed it the backpack. "That's enough Seanie." Rose said annoyed. "Whatever. I'll have my vape pen back soon enough." Just then, a hospital orderly busy through the door to order Sean and Rose out. They collected their belongings and moved with haste towards the dominator parked at the farthest end of the hospital's massive parking lot. Rose produced the keys and climbed into the drivers seat only to be greeted by Sean at the driver's side window. He knocked at the glass and Rose rolled down the window. "Yes?" Rose said quizzically. "What are you doing?" Was Sean's callous response. "You're not driving Seanie, you just got discharged." "Rose I'm fine just..." Sean was interrupted by Rose rolling the window up. Sean sighed and looked down. "Okay I'll take that as a no." He said out loud while walking around towards the passenger door. He climbed in and they sat off for Middleton. Middleton had everything but a hospital, so Rose took Sean to the closest one; which was four hours away from Middleton, without traffic. As Rose settled into the stop and go traffic flow, they began to talk about what had happened. "So what do you remember?" Rose asked. "You were drinking nasty ass bud ice, I had my usual Guinness. Aaron showed up, I whooped that ass" Sean said with emphasis on whooped. "And then he hit Caroline. Everything after that is a bit fuzzy. I know we eventually caught them up and I got a concussion because you wouldn't let me hit him." "Sorry." Rose said sarcastically and with a noticeable rise in pitch. "Then I woke up in the hospital bed, cried, and now we're here." "Close enough." Rose said whilst nodding in agreement. "Speaking of Guinness, I could use one, stop here." Sean said, motioning toward a convenience store. Rose agreed and pulled into the small lot in front the store. Sean, after taking Rose's order, headed inside. He soon returned with a six pack of Guinness, a new can of Skoal vanilla, a bottle of Coke, and a fith of Crown Royal, a Canadian regal whiskey. Rose mixed a lean drink from the Crown and Coke, literally three ounces to an entire bottle of coke. "Just enough for the taste." Was her excuse. They set out again for Middleton with drinks in hand. By the time they had reached town, it was around 6:30 in the evening. Sean, after downing the last of his beer, which had no effect on him, sighed when Rose pulled into her driveway. "Bye Rosie, I'll hit you up if something happens." "Be careful Sean, you've been drinking, go home." Rose warningly said. "I will Rose, don't worry." Sean pulled out of her driveway and headed towards his own. Ironically two streets down and one over from Rose's. He parked the Dominator next to his own car and headed inside. After the inevitable obligatory remarks from his parents. How're you feeling? are you alright? we're proud of you, and all that nonsense, he made his way to his room and his bed. He slept for what felt like days, when his phone buzzed him awake at around 7 o'clock in the morning. It was Rose. "Hello?" "Hey Sean, just checking you made it home safe. How'd you sleep?" "Like a drunk person, Rosie." Sean said sleepily. "Any news from Caroline?" "No, not yet." "Alright, well, call me if anything happens." "You got it Rosie, see ya later." Sean said. "Bye Sean." Rose cheerily replied. Sean then rolled over and went back to sleep.

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