Chapter Six: im your girlfriend

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carry on... That will be all...


"Well..?" He asked.

"Uhhhh..." I stuttered nervously.

Can I really trust him? Will he hurt me like Alexis?

"Come on Sky. Just give me the answer that you're thinking of."

"I- I" I stuttered.

"Do you at least even like me?" He asked.

"Y- yeah."

"We'll that's good enough for me.." He trailed on his sentence.

Oh my god. What did I get myself into? I have to get out of this quick.

"Will you..Hurt me...?" I quietly asked.

"Sky. I would never hurt you."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise."

"Pinky swear?" I asked holding out my pinky.

"Pinky swear." He stated. Locking his pinky with mine.

"Then I will be your girlfriend Blane."

Well I hope this pinky swear lasts. The last one I made was to Alexis. He pinky swore me that he wouldn't or ever cheat on me. Karma always gets the best of me. As Blane was leaning in to kiss me. My phone chose the right time to buzz. (Note the sarcasm.) I picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone.

"Uh. Is this Skylar?" The voice asked.

"Yeah... Why?" I asked.

"Well, I think we may have found your father." The voice said.

I immediately froze. What did they say? I thought my father was dead? Did mom know about this? My thoughts were interrupted with Blane trailing kisses down my neck. That tease. He's so gonna get payback. I tried my best not to let out a moan.

"Who is it baby?" He asked, his voice husky.

"Uh. I don't really know." I stated and went back to the call.

"Wait did you say you found my father?" I asked through the phone.

"Maybe. We're not exactly sure yet." The caller stated.

"Are you being serious?" I asked. My voice becoming serious.

"N- no!" I heard laughing from the other side of the call. I swear I could feel a tear falling out of my eye.

"Who told you to prank call me!" I yelled getting furious. No one messes about my dad. They know its a touchy subject. Blane must've seen me crying and he took his thumb and wiped the tears away from my face.

"A- Alexis!!!" The voice boomed into laughter.

"Why would you do that?!" I yelled into the device.

"Cause Alexis paid us $50 to make you sad so then you'll come over to his house to confront him, then, he was gonna use you. He's still the same old Alexis, Skylar. I'd rather you be with Blane then him." The voice said and ended the call.

'Well that was weird' I thought.

"Sky? Are you okay?" Blane asked pulling me into a hug.

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