Chapter Five

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I stayed at my parents' house again after the family party but I soon had to pack up my bags and go meet the boys. My dad made me some bacon and eggs for breakfast, we all ate as a family for the first time in years. I then had to call Owen to come and pick me up and then we would meet George and Jaym at the airport.

Owen soon turned up at the front door, he took my bag to the car whilst I hugged my parents and said goodbye. I felt sad that I had to leave them again but I'm living my dream and nothing is about to stop me. On the way to the airport we spoke about various subjects, mostly about the band though. Until we both got hungry "Hey, Shall we stop and get KFC for us and the others" I suggested as a KFC came into view.

"Yeah sure thing!" Owen yelled above his music and then took a quick turn towards the entrance of KFC drive through; we ordered a lot of food but saved some for Jaym and George at the airport. Owen parked his car but called someone to come and pick it up whilst we were in the US. Jaym and George had already started to go through baggage and security etc. So me and Owen would meet with them at the waiting area.

Soon enough we were on the plane, our seats were dotted all over the place however so I wasn't sat with any member of my band. Once I got to my seat I sat down and started settling in, no one was sat next to me yet and also I got the window seat, so it was perfect.

I soon felt a shadow loom over me, I looked up thinking it would be a flight attendant; instead I could clearly see it was in fact Oliver Sykes. I sighed 'no this cannot be happening' I thought to myself, there's no way I could spend so many hours sitting next to Oli.

"Oh hey Violet, looks like I'm next to you" he smiled and began putting his things in the overhead cabinet thing. "Yeah...looks like it" I said as I rolled my eyes and turned to look out of the window. He laughed and then sat down. I didn't bother asking what he laughed at, it was probably just my childish behavior; oh well.

We were just about to take off when I quickly grabbed some sweets from my rucksack; I opened the packet and popped one in my mouth to stop my ear drums from hurting so much. I felt rude not offering Oli any so I faced the bag in his direction "It stops your ears from hurting" I said as I tried desperately to not let the sweet pop out of my mouth. He smiled at me and then took one "Thanks" he half shouted, then he put it in his mouth and we both sat back in our chairs; waiting to go.

It was now about half hour into the flight and the seatbelt sign had been turned off; finally freedom. I grabbed my headphones from my bag and plugged them into my iPod; I had some new demos from our band practice which I needed to keep listening to. I looked next to me to see Oli was half asleep whilst listening to his music.

I put my hand on the arm rest in between us and began tapping away to sound coming from my iPod. I didn't have it on there for more than a minute when Oli suddenly woke up and grabbed not only the arm rest but my hand too. "Ouch!" I screeched only loud enough for us two to hear, he must have had a nightmare or something because he almost crushed my hand.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He said as he grabbed my hand and started looking at it, he then kissed it "You'll be fine" I blushed a little bit and he laughed, we continued listening to our music and eating sweets. I then had to have a second glance at our hands that I could see in the corner of my eye, as I hadn't realized Oli was still holding my hand.

I had no idea what to do, I didn't know whether to leave it there, say something, take it away; I really had no idea. I decided to pretend I hadn't seen it, it felt so comforting as I'm scared of planes; so I guess I just left it there for that reason.

I watched Oli pull one of his headphones out and then he tapped me on the shoulder with his free hand. "Hey, how come you never text me?" he said with a sad tone in his voice. "It's only the next day!" I laughed and then I quickly grabbed my phone and found his number which I had saved in my phone last night, I then text it saying 'Hey, It's Violet ;)' I pressed send. I heard his phone go off and I giggled a little.

Oli grabbed out his phone and then hit me in the shoulder "Idiot," he laughed "but now I have your number, so thanks!" he poked his tongue out and then shoved his phone back in his pocket. He put his headphone back in and continued to bob his head along.

Hours passed and we were finally landing, Oli was asleep so I quickly squeezed his hand to wake him up. "The plane is about to land" I said as he looked at me angrily to see who had woken him up. "Oh thanks" he smiled and then stretched both his arms up, letting go of my hand for the first time in hours.

"Here" I said as I held a sweet near his mouth, I quickly chucked the sweet in his mouth and then we braced ourselves for the landing; it was the worst part.

A/N; I got bored so I decided to update :')

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