Chapter Seventeen

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A/N; I kind of decided that this story isn't exaclty based directly around just Oli as much anymore so I changed the title from {Oliver Sykes} to {Bring Me The Horizon} and also the front cover is now Oli and Matt as they are both bIg parts of the story! :)

When we got back to the bus it was just Owen, George and I, luckily Jaym had gone out with Anna for the night because he doesn't know about the whole situation with Owen. Owen began walking towards the bunks until George pratically shouted "Owen, sit down we need to speak with you" Owen stopped in his tracks and turned around to sit on the sofa.

"So what's up?" Owen asked as he awkwardly faced me and George as we sat opposite him, "We know what you did Owen" George whispered, I think he was trying to act intimidating and it was working. Owen squirmed in his seat a little "What do you mean?" Owen tried to answer like he didn't know what we were talking about.

"You fucking stabbed Oli" i angrily spat at him, he looked hurt at my outburst but I couldn't care less, I didn't want to put up with his lying. "Were not going to say anything Owen, but seriously sort yourself out" George said before walking away to get a bottle of Jack Daniels out of the cuboard.

He always managed to stay so calm when it came to things similar to this, it was amazing as I was basically ready to punch Owen straight in the face; but what would that solve. I looked at Owen with a disgusted look before trailing to my bunk to go to sleep, I've had enough for today and now I just want to sleep.

I heard a small knocking on the tour bus door, I sleepily wiped my eyes and stood up. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 1am, why the hell was someone at the door. I opened the door to find a very wide awake Matt Nicholls, I couldn't help but smile as his cheery little face was staring at me.

"Hey, it's 1am what are you doing here?" i asked him whilst trying not to sound annoyed. "Well I want to take you out somewhere, like a date I guess?" he continued waiting for me to answer, "I'm not dressed" i said whilst tugging at the oversized Guns n' Roses t shirt I was currently wearing.

"Well I think you look beautiful like that but I can wait for you to get dressed" he smiled and then quietly tiptoed into the bus. I frantically ran to find some decent clothes, I found some plain black skinny jeans, with one of my own band tshirts. I chucked on some dark blue vans and found Matt already waiting at the door for me.

We were soon walking down the breezy street "Where are we going?" I asked Matt as a shiver brushed over me. Matt looked down at me before handing me his jacket and replying "You'll see". I put the jacket on and it felt a lot warmer.

A small empty fairground soon crept into view, "Matt it's 1:30am it will be closed" I said as I looked towards the fair and then back at Matt. "Not when you know the owner and have these" he said as he pulled a massive bunch of keys from his pocket. I laughed as we began turning on all the rides as Matt had access to the main power switches.

After going on each ride at least four times we finally had got to the fairground wheel, I begged Matt to take me in it, even though he hated them. It was the slowest ride of the fair but it was still fun as Matt and I began taking loads of silly faced photos together.

We finally locked up the fairground again and it had now just turned 4am, "I think we should start heading back, the tourbus driver said he's leaving at 6am to the next venue. Matt nodded and took my hand in his, I smiled as our finger intertwined and we began walking back to the bus.

Once we got to the bus I had already thanked Matt for such an amazing night, just as I was about to walk into my bus after hugging Matt goodbye he grabbed my arm and dragged me back pulling me into a kiss, I just went along with it because I kind of wanted to kiss him all night; I just didn't pluck up the courage.

I walked into my bus and Matt walked over towards his, i happily sighed as I flung myself into my bunk still fully dressed and began to feel my eyelids shut.

*Matt's POV*

I walked back into my own tour bus and saw that Oli was already awake and sitting down with a bowl of cereal in his hands. "Hey dude" I greeted him and then poured myself a bowl of cereal, then taking a seat next to Oli.

"You've been out with Violet haven't you" Oli said as he nudged me and laughed a little with a mouthful of cereal. "You don't mind do you?" I asked, as all this time I feel like I kind of stole her off him, even though it wasn't my fault.

"Matt, I don't care honestly" he said whilst patting me on the back with the hand that wasn't in the sling. I smiled and put my arm around him "Thanks buddy!" I continued eating my cereal before my bed began calling my name, I said goodnight to Oli and then fell asleep.

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