Chapter 4: A Good Start to a New Life

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After Kian was born, everything changed. I love that kid to death and nothing will ever change that. Everything has gone well in the past 3 years. Naomi has been happy, I've been happy. Family's been happy. Everything's finally okay and for Kian, I won't ever let him suffer the way any of us did.

As crazy as it seems, I coukd consider Conor family. He's been good to Kian, he's been good for Jade and even Ronda. He's like another brother. He can push your buttons but he's a good guy and I can say I respect him for that.

Kian, Jade, Ronda, and Naomi were downstairs doing who knows what. Me and Conor were in the basement having some drinks. "Kians getting big, eh?" Conor spoke, sparking up conversation. "Yeah, he's gonna grow up and be strong man" I smiled at the thought of my son. "Ronda and Jade doing okay? I haven't talked to Ronda in a while" Conor asked and I thought about my sister. As far as I knew, they were good. As far as I knew, Jade was doing well. If anything going on, Jade would have told me or at least Naomi. "As far as I know, everyone's good." I replied, drinking the fine whiskey.

"I don't want to push you into telling me anything but what happened to all of you? With your pop?" I paused for a bit. "After he came home from war, he started drinking. He came home drunk and angry every night. Him and Ma would fight. I remember listening to them scream at each other -


Jade came in quietly I coukd tell she had been crying. I knew she hated listening to them fight. "Brendan? Tommy?" I heard her whisper and close the door behind her. "Come here" I mumbled. Sometimes she'd come sleep in here with us. She'd take turns sleeping in Brendans bed and then mine. She came and curled up next to me on the side where the wall was. She always felt safer on that side.

All of us lie awake listen to Ma and Pop fight. We all could here her crying and it would make my blood boil. After pop would pass out I'd go help Ma and clean her up and put her to bed. I'd have to clean up her beat up face and wipe her tears. It broke my heart and made me angry every time.


I remember everything so clearly. I watched my little sister become more angry and more sad everyday. I watched my older brother become more and more distant. "We all suffered because of him. We've all be through hell and back." I finished what I said and downed the rest of the beer. I've been trying not to drink as much after Kian was born.

Me and Conor both went upstairs and Naomi and Kian were still in the living room. No idea were Ronda and Jade went. Conor went outside to get some air and I sat next to Naomi and Kian. "How are my loves?" I asked grabbing my son and setting on my lap. Naomi smiled and kissed my cheek. I won't ever let Kian go through what I did.

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