13- Like the Skye Can't Hold Us

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"Last night was so embarrasing, I can nawt live it down," Massie groaned, burying her face in her Aloe scented palms. 

"Who cares if Skye and her besties didn't want us in? The other group did, and that's all that matters. They're like, Beta Pluses. Pretty much Alpha, so it'll do," Alicia said reassuringly, moving one of her arms up to comfort Massie. Her golden Tiffany charm bracelet jangled.

"Um  exactly. They're Betas . What good does that do? Besides, if we hang out with the older girls, people are going to think we're stupid LGLBRs tagging along." Massie slapped Alicia's hand away.

Kristen sighed, "They're my friends, and they're nice people, okay? We can join them for lunch or something occasionally. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great!" Claire chimed in, trying to create peace. Of course, there was never really peace in Westchester, with all the drama queens that lived there... 

"Okay then. Can we join them today?" Alicia widened her big brown eyes. 

"Sure. I'll just text them during 3rd block," Kristen said cooly.

"Kristen Gregory texting during class? Well that's new," Dylan smirked.

"I'm smart enough to not get caught," Kristen grinned. 

The 5 walked to the beat of "Can't Hold Us", and their designer heels click-clacked in unison. As usual, they turned every head that they walked past (whether it was jealously, admiration, or they were checking them out). 

Skye and her friends passed by. She smirked and the rest of her friends started giggling. "Ninth graders. They're so cute." she said.

"Oh come on, Skye. We were like that too," Joyce smiled at Skye in a friendly way. Skye shrugged, but she didn't look mad or anything. Everyone liked Joyce. She was like, impossible to be mad at. Then , Joyce turned to Kristen. "You guys wanna join us for lunch?" 

Alicia cut in before Kristen could respond, "Sure thing!" and flashed a huge smile. Inside, she was bursting with joy and delight. 

While that  was happening, Dylan saw the guy from Mega Pizza, making out with the senior girl she saw last night at the party. Her mouth dropped open, "He goes here?" She was tugging on Massie's sleeve. 

"Nah. That chick's his girlfriend. They've been going out for over a year, and he comes drop by sometimes. He's in college and he works part time at that pizza place," Massie smirked. "20 gossip points pour moi ," she added. 

"What a jerk," Dylan mumbled, "He's not even worth fighting for." and turned away. 

"Congrats, Dyl , you've finally gotten over that LBR," Massie clapped. 

So that's that. The Pretty Committee are in better terms, Kristen got to keep both groups of friends, Alicia gets to join the older girls, Dylan and Claire are single and won't be down to mingle any time soon, and Massie has things settled down.

Cheers to the rest of high school!   

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