3- Miss Goody-Two Shoes

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-Kristen's POV-

Seriously? I couldn't believe Massie. I feel sorry for her. Gawd, she's already on Mrs.Berner's bad side. I swear, there is nothing worse than being on the bad side of the principal on the first day of high school. Her high school career is going to get ruined by her sassyness. I used to be like that. Actually, I used to be the meanest one, back in 7th grade. But I smartened up. My future is actually more important than my friends right now. In 7th grade, we were really close soul sisters, who shared secrets, gave each other advice, and we were there for each other , and had fun. Now Claire's too caught up in her love life, Dylan's too busy with her Hollywood career, Alicia's still hasn't gotten over her wannabe-ways and Massie's still... a Massie. Me? I'm trying to get into an Ivy League University.We were drifting apart... naturally.

"I hate snobby bitches like those," a freckly blonde girl beside me whispered.

I gulped. Was I supposed to tell her they were my BFFs? She was a little too LBR, I guess, even though I mean, Massie kind of annoyed me. I turned to the girl and put my finger over my lip in a I'm acting more perfect than you. Stop insulting my friends way. She shrugged and turned away, pushing her little tortoise shell glasses up her flat nose.

"... And you may now proceed to your homeroom classes," Mrs.Berner said. The students began to stand up.

I checked my scheduel .  9F . The same as Massie, and that girl in the tortoise shell glasses (She was checking her's too) . Oh how nice.

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