Chapter 14

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~~~~HARRY'S POV~~~~

I stayed silent. Almost as if I couldn't speak at all. My mind stopped working and I stood still.

"Harry...." Lisa said "hellooooo, are you there?"

Zayn nudged me and I snapped back I to reality

"Uh... Yeah, wh-what happened?" I asked

"She got into a car accident... Some drunk guy hit her"

"Oh my God...." I whispered "where are the kids? Were they with her? Are they okay? I asked all at once

"Calm down, Harry. Darcy and Tyler are fine, they were with me when it happened. Jamie said she needed some time alone and asked if I could watch the kids and I said yes so she left.... A couple minutes later someone called and said she had gotten into a car accident"

I whimpered at the thought of Jamie in the hospital. I quickly scanned the room for my shoes and quickly put them on. The boys stared at me and Liam spoke up

"Harry, where are you going?"

"To see Jamie in the hospital. This is my fault. If I hadn't ignored her and left, she wouldn't have got into that accident" I explain, slipping on my coat

"You can't leave, we have a concert tonight!" Niall said

"Jamie's more important than my job. She's my wife. I have to go"

"Harry" Lisa's voice says on the other line

I press the phone to my ear


"I'm at the hospital with Jamie, she's fine don't worry"

"Is she awake? Can I talk to her?" I asked

"She's asleep right now, Skype her tomorrow" Lisa suggests

"Okay" I mumbled "where's Darcy and Tyler?"

"Right here with Rose and I"

"Hey babe! I love you! Tell rose I said hi. I'll Skype you two tomorrow" Zayn said as he takes the phone away from me

She says something and Zayn pouts


He hands the phone back to me and I quickly press it to my ear

"Can I talk to Darcy and Tyler?" I ask

"Sure.." Lisa replied

There's a little muffling but soon enough I hear Darcy's voice

"Hi dad!"she said

I smile

"Hey little beauty" I said "whatcha doing?"

"Just sitting here with Ty, waiting for mum to wake up"

My heart breaks at her words

"Oh, well don't worry, Love I'm sure mum will wake up soon" I reassure


"I love you Darce"

"I love you too dad"

"Where's your sister? Let me talk to her" I asked

"Okay" she mumbled "here Tyler, dad's on the phone"

"DADDY! I MISS YOU! where did you go? Mummy got hurt"

"I miss you too, Ty." I said with a smile

Just hearing my kids voice makes me happy

"Tell uncle Li, uncle Lou, uncle Ni, and uncle Zayny that I miss them tooooooooo" she chirps

"Okay, I will, Love" I laughed

Tyler yawns on the other end of the phone

"Ty, go to sleep okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you"

"Okay daddy"



I hang up the phone and place it on the bed

"She's going to be fine, mate" Louis said as he hugs me

"I hope..." I mumbled

There was a silence until Liam spoke

"Well, we should be getting ready for the concert tonight"

"Yeah, lets go" I murmured

We grab our things and head down the to arena. I'm not my normal self. Not right now. The thought of Jamie getting hurt, also hurts me. I know it's my fault. Even if she might deny it, I know it's my fault. I just hope she'll be okay. I can't wait to Skype her tomorrow. I miss all of them so much.


Grr.... See Zayn, it's all your fault that they caught us...

Zayn: sorry! You know how I am! If they didn't put a mirror there, I wouldn't have stopped

Harry: So, why did you guys draw on our faces? Hmm

Cause it was funny, huh Zayn

Zayn: Yup *high fives*

Harry: I see.... Well, you two will pay. Watch out for us cause we'll get you both when you least expect it

Oooooo I'm sooooo scared, whatcha gunna do curly? Hmm?

Harry: you'll find out, Love.... Just watch out

*Harry leaves*

Zayn: we're doomed

I know....

~ Tori, Zayn & Harry

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