Chapter 31

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Harry's Pov

"Louis.. You know they're happy you're alive." Zayn said, reassuring him

"I know I just... I feel like they're mad at me for lying about my death I mean.. that was a pretty fucked up thing to do." He replied, shuffling his feet as he stared at the carpet

"It was." I say, Grinning at Louis

"Shut up you pile of shit," Louis laughed

I laughed with him before checking my phone. I had a text from Jamie.

'When are you coming home?'

I lookd up from my phone and sat on the couch, not replying to her right away.

"We should go out. Lets go to that pub down the street. We deserve it, it's been a long day for all of us," Niall suggested

We all agreed and got into the car before driving off.

Jamie's Pov


'I went out with the boys. I'll be back by ten. Love you xx'

I'm pissed. I recieved that at eight thirty. It's one in the morning now. I've been trying to stay up, waiting for him to come home so I could scream at him and ask him where the hell he's been but, it looks as if he isn't coming home tonight.

I tuck Darcy and Tyler in for what feels like the hundreth time tonight and finally give up and head to bed. I quickly change into a tank top and some shorts before pulling the sheets back and slipping into bed. I get my phone and dial Harry's numbr one last time. When it goes to his voicemail, I end the call and set it down on my nightstand. I turn the lamp off and drift asleep.


I wake up to Darcy and Tyler jumping on the bed.

"Mum wake up! Where's dad?" Darcy asked

I rub my eyes and sit up in bed.

"He's.. uh.. with Uncle Lou." I reply

I actually have no idea where the hell he is right now. He obviously didn't come home last night and i'm starting to get worried. Just then Buster comes ad jumps on the ed as well, tackling Tyler on the to bed.

"Calm down, boy," Tyler giggled, petting the dog.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs, Darcy and Tyler quickly following behind me. I was about to start making some breakfast when Harry stumbled through the door.

"H-Heeeey babbbee." He slurred

God. He was still drunk. Great.

"Harry, where were you?" I ask as he sits on the couch

He looks up at me and worry flashes through his eyes.

"I err... I was out with the boys. Yeah we went drinking and I crashed at Liam's place." He said cooly.

"Really? You spent the night at Liam's?" I question.

I know he did something when he nods his head rapidly.

"Okay, let me just call Liam and ask him myself," I say, Taking my phone out and quickly dialing Liams number

On the third ring he answers and I see a wave of worry wash over Harry's face as I say hello.

Same Mistakes (sequel to She's Mine)Where stories live. Discover now