Chapter 26

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Harry's Pov

                                                      *Some Months Later*

"Mummy, when can we go visit Unlce Louis?" Tyler asked Jamie as we all sat in the living room

"Uhh, I don't know sweetheart. Ask your daddy." Jamie responded

Tyler turned to me and and sighed.

"Daddy, can we go visit Unlce Lou?"

"Err... Yeah. Let's go visit him. Go on, put your shoes on." I replied

Tyler and Darcy both ran up to their rooms to put their shoes on and I stood up. Jamie held my hand and I smiled down at her.

"You coming, love?" I asked

She nodded and also stood up, slipping on her shoes and heading towards the door. A lot has changed since Louis' death. Darcy wasn't the same. She was always sad and kept saying she could see him everytime we went to go visit him. Tyler didn't speak as much as she use to and when she did, I could never hear the cheerful sound in her voice. 

"C'mon kids! Let's go!" I shouted

"Coming daddy!" Darcy yelled back

They came racing down the stairs and out the door. We got into the car and drove to the cemetary. After the whole Darcy getting kidnapped and Louis dying thing, me and the boys didn't finish our tour. We canceled the whole tour. We didn't mean to upset the fans but, we couldn't perform without Louis. I have to meet up with the boys after this visit.

"I see Uncle Lou's grave thing!" Tyler shouted

I parked the car and we all got off. The girls ran to the grave and I held Jamie's hand as we walked towards it as well. Once we got there Darcy spoke.

"Hi Uncle Lou. We miss you a lot. I miss you a lot. It's not the same here without you. I wish you were still here with us... I got an A on my test at school. I bet you'd be proud of me."

Darcy began to cry and Jamie held her close, stroking her curly hair.

"UNCLE LOUUUU! COME BACK PLEASEEE!! I miss you..." Tyler shouted as she cried as well.

We spent a little more time there before I checked the time.

"I gotta go. I have to meet the boys for something really important." I said kissing Jamie

"Go. I'll call Lisa to pick us up." She replied

"You sure?" I asked

"Yeah. Now go." She laughed

I kissed her once more before running over to the car. I quickly drove over to Liam's and knocked on the door.

"Oh good. You're here. Now we can get started." Liam said once he opened the door

He guided me to a room which Niall and Zayn were in and I sat down.

"The twit cam starts now." Niall announced

We all sat in place and Liam was the first to speak.

"Hey guys! Haven't done one of these in a while."

"We have a very important message to give you all." I added

"First, we love you all very much. you're our family and without you, none of this would have been possible." Niall said

"Well, we should just say it..." Zayn spoke

I sighed and looked at the carpet. Thousands of our fans were watching this right now. It broke my heart to say this but, I opened my mouth to speak.

Jamie's Pov

"Hey, Lisa. Can you come pick us up? We're at the cemetary."

"Yeah. I'm on my way."

"Alright. Bye."


I hung up the phone and grabbed Tyler.

"C'mon Darcy. Aunt Lisa is coming to pick us up." I said

"Are we gonna stay at Auntie Isa's?" Tyler asked

I nodded

"That means we can play with Rose!"

I laughed and kissed her cheek before Lisa pulled up. I opened the back door for Tyler and Darcy then quickly climbed in the passenger side.

"Mum! I see Uncle Lou! He's right there!" Darcy exclaimed, pointing at a tree

"Baby girl, Uncle Lou is gone.." I reminded

"Mummy! I saw him too!" Tyler said

I rubbed my temples and sighed.

"Drive, Lisa." I mumbled

I thought Darcy was the only one seeing him but now, Tyler is too.

We finally arrived at Lisa's house and I closed the door. Tyler, Darcy, and Rose went upstairs to play.

"Hey, Jay wanna watch the boys' twit cam?" Lisa asked

"Twit cam?" I questioned.

I didn't know they were doing a twit cam.

"Yeah. They're doing one right now."

"Y-Yeah. I'll watch it." I comfirmed

We sat in front of the computer and waited for it to load. Finally we saw the boys' faces on the screen.

"First, we love you all very much. you're our family and without you, none of this would have been possible." Niall said

"Well, we should just say it..." Zayn added

Harry sighed then looked at the camera.

"This is it... One Direction is over."


Harry: Soo... About that kiss..?


Harry: But whhhyyyyyyy


Harry: Because whhyyyyyy

Because I said so.

Harry: I don't wanna listen to you. *crosses arms over chest*

Oh really? What are you gonna do? Hmm?

Harry: Kiss you.

OH! You're gonna sing one of your songs!

Harry: No, i'm-- Ooohhh. Haha I get you. Because Kiss you is a song of ours. very clever.

Thank you, Curly fry.

Harry:... Really? Curly Fry?





Okay. Come here.

Harry: R-Really!


~ Tori & Harry

Harry: Don't fight the love Tori! I know you want all this.

Okeey... *Whisperes* Idiot..

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