Chapter 18

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"Alright, are you guys ready? The concert starts in a little bit"

"Yes mummy" Tyler replied

We got in the car and drove of to the arena. Treasure came on by Bruno Mars and Darcy sang along to it. I have to say, she can really sing. She gets it from Harry. I find a parking space and park the car. I get Darcy and Tyler out and walk to the back entrance of the arena where Paul was waiting for us.

"Hey Jamie" Paul smiled

"Hey Paul" I replied

He let us through the door and guided us to their dressing rooms

"They're already on stage... Obviously" he chuckled

I could hear them singing from their dressing room. I looked down at Tyler and Darcy who were smiling like crazy.

"Well, c'mon. The cake we have for Harry is over here and you can have Darcy and Tyler surprise him first"

I nodded and we followed Paul to a table where a cake was sat.

"Alright, girls, you ready to surprise your daddy?"

Harry's pov

"That's what makes you beautiful!" I sang the end of the song

I put the microphone down and pushed the strands of hair that were sticking to my face away. I looked at the rest of the boys who were walking around on the stage. I grabbed my water bottle and took a swig before sighing heavily. It was my birthday and I had to spend it without my family.

"Alright!" Louis shouted into the microphone "and now for.... TWITTER QUESTIONS!"

The questions popped up on the big screen and Louis read it

"I believe this one is directly towards Harry" Louis said " from, 1DStealsMyHeart. haha nice username, love! anyways, it says 'how is Darcy, Tyler, and Jamie' ?"

All the boys turned to me and I smiled

"They're doing great. Jamie somehow manages to take care of the girls by herself. I love her so much" The crowd 'awed' "Tyler is still a trouble maker and Darcy is my baby girl. I love all of them. Ewe Skype everyday. I just wish they were here with me"

"Awe Hazza Bear" Louis pouted

I laughed and scanned the crowd. Lots of screaming girls. Nothing new.

"Alright, this one is from Stacy500, and it says 'how do you guys feel about Louis teaching Darcy how to jaywalk and Niall teaching Tyler the word cunt'?"

Niall laughed and brought the microphone to his mouth

"It was an accident! I hit my foot and the word slipped out! And Tyler just happened to be standing next to me..."

The crowd laughed and Niall smiled

"Woah woah woah, she asked what jaywalking was so, being the cool uncle that I am, I showed her what it was! Then she started doing it and I eventually got slapped by Jamie...." Louis said

I laughed along with the crowd. Louis came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder

"Now, Haz, we have a special surprise for you. Since it's your birthday"


I didn't know what it was. And honestly, I was scared. Who knows what Louis planned. He could dump something on me for all I know.

"Everyone c'mon and sing happy birthday to Harry!!" He shouted

"Ready, one, two, three!"

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" The crowd, including the boys sang

The crowd started screaming while the boys continued to sing.

"Happy birthday, mate." Louis said, pointing to the exit to go backstage

I turned and saw Darcy and Tyler walking towards me with a cake in their hands. They were smiling so big. Tears stung at my eyes as I watched them get closer. Then, Jamie appeared behind them. Louis and Zayn grabbed the cake from Darcy and Tyler and I ran to Jamie, engulfing her in a hug

"Happy birthday Harry" she whispered in my ear

My tears slipped down my face as I smashed my lips onto hers. The crowd got louder and I pulled away, resting my forehead on hers.

"Thanks babe" I mumbled, kissing her again

She wiped my tears and we walked to the Boys. I ran and bent down, hugging Tyler and Darcy

"Happy birthday daddy!" They said

"Thanks sweetie" I chuckled, kissing their cheeks

I stood up and entwined my fingers with Jamie's. Louis handed her a microphone and she began to speak

"Sorry we didn't buy you anything, Haz"

I grabbed a microphone

"You didn't have to buy me anything, this is the best present ever, just having you and the girls here with me" I replied

The crowd went wild. Louis held Darcy and Niall held Tyler.

"Daddy?" A tiny voice said into the microphone

I turned and saw Tyler


"Who are these girls?" She asked

I laughed

"They're my fans, babe"


"Yeah, they like our music and they certainly like you"

The crowd cheered and Tyler smiled

"Do you guys like Tyler?" I asked

The crowd shouted and screamed their heads off. I smiled and pecked Tyler's cheek

"Thanks guys" I said "this is the best birthday ever"

I wrapped my arms around Jamie and kissed her, making the crowd go ever crazier.


Zayn: shhh, just put spoons everywhere! Anywhere that Liam would go


*puts spoons everywhere*

Okay, now we have to hide all the forks

Zayn: I'll take care of that

*Zayn grabs all the forks and hides them*

I feel so evil

Zayn: so do I but shh! It'll be worth it

Alright, lets go! We'll save Louis for last *evil smile*

Zayn: next will be Harry

I've got something planned for the curly haired one...

~ Tori & Zayn

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