Chapter 16

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I was happy. Very happy. Everything was going back to the way it was. No more fighting or arguing. Nothing. Days past and almost all day Harry and I would Skype. Darcy and Tyler would come sit with me to talk to Harry.

Harry's birthday was tomorrow and I couldn't wait!

"So, Louis. You got everything set?" I asked over Skype

"Yeah, the plane ticket is booked for tomorrow for you and the girls. Harry doesn't know about anything but the rest of the boys do. Everything's gunna go perfectly" Louis explained

"Good" I smiled

"Just wait till Paul tells you to go up on stage, alright?"

"Mhm" I nodded

"Hey, Louis. Who ya talking to?" Harry's raspy voice said

"Oh... Uh.... Erm... Eleanor" he lied

"Oh... Let me say hi!"

"NO!" Louis shouted

"Why?" Harry questioned

"Uh... I was joking... I'm not talking to Eleanor. I'm talking to... Um... Taylor"

"Taylor.... Swift?"

"Yeah.. I didn't tell you the truth cause I don't want you to get mad" Louis, again, lied

"Oh.." Harry replied, almost sounding disgusted "I'll just get going then"

"Okay, bye"

The door shut and Louis turned back to the computer

"Almost got busted" Louis chuckled

"I'm surprised you DIDN'T get busted. You're a terrible liar, Lou" I giggled

"Am not! Harry fell for it! I say I'm a decent liar" he replied

"True" I giggled

"So, You'll leave tonight and get here tomorrow. Paul will be there to pick you up and take you to a different hotel so Harry doesn't suspect anything, then at the concert you just come up in stage and SURPRISE!"

"Alright" I confirmed

"MUUUUUUUUMMYYYY!!!!" Tyler yelled

I looked upstairs then back at Louis

"Go, Tyler needs you!" Louis shouted

I laughed and stood up

"Tell Darcy and Tyler that uncle Lou said HIIII!!!!" Louis yelled before he ended the Skype call

I smiled and ran upstairs, into the girls room where Darcy and Tyler were fighting

"Hey hey hey, what's going on?" I asked, pulling them away from each other

"Darcy said I'm adopted! Again" Tyler whined

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"You're such a meanie!" Darcy shot back

"You're a mean stupid cunt!" Tyler replied

Okay. I officially was going to have a talk with Niall about teaching Tyler the word 'cunt'

"Hey! That's not a nice word, Ty." I scolded

"Uncle Ni says it all the time" she shot back

"Well uncle Ni has a potty mouth and you shouldn't repeat what he says"

They both got quiet

"Now, hurry and pack your bags cause we're gunna surprise daddy" I added

They began looking for their bags and I walked out, into my room to pack also


Ready? I asked once they came downstairs with their suitcases

"Yup" Darcy replied, popping the 'p'

I smiled

"Alright, lets get going"

I helped them put their bags in the back of the car then got in the drivers seat and began driving to the airport

"Mum!" Darcy exclaimed


"Do you think I could become famous like dad?" She questioned

"Well, you do have an amazing voice like your father so, yeah" I smiled

Darcy let out a giggle

"Why about me, mummy?" Tyler pouted

"Honey, you're already famous."

"Really!" She almost shouted

I nodded

"Mhm, girl all all around the world have seen you with your uncle Ni, and they're jealous of you" I confirmed with a smile

"Jealous of me!"

"Yup, all those girls would die to be either you or your sister"

They giggled and I finally made it to the airport.

"C'mon girls"

I helped them out of the car and grabbed their bags, heading over to the plane once we got searched. We found our seats and sat down

"The plane is now leaving the airport" the woman Said on the intercom

I sat back and closed my eyes...

Same Mistakes (sequel to She's Mine)Where stories live. Discover now