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"Hello?" Landon waved his hand angrily in front of the completely responsive boy's face. "Are you actually going to pay attention in this class or are you just going to sit there and chew on the end of that pencil?"

Valentine scoffed, "I don't care about this stupid class. I've literally taken it like three times but I'm really worried."

Landon sighed, "Am I supposed to ask you why?"

He nodded, "Yes."

Landon let out a loud, obnoxious breath. "What's wrong, darling?"

Valentine shook his head and gazed passed Landon dramatically, "I think I'm in love with someone who doesn't remember me."

"So tell them who you are," Landon deadpanned.

Valentine tore his gaze from space and for once actually stared those watery grey eyes into Landon's milky blue ones. "Alas, I cannot."

"Okay." Landon spoke rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

A few moments passed before Valentine spoke up once more, "Did you call me 'darling'?"

Landon burst into laughter successfully interrupting the entire classroom. "Landon. Valentine. Detention this afternoon."

Valentine flopped his mouth open like a fish. "Close your mouth, darling." Landon whispered and bowed his head slightly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Carp."

Valentine glared at Landon. "Stop calling me darling. How could you get us detention? I had a perfect record in this class. I hate you."

"Hate me all you want, darling. See if I care."

hey guys! hope you likes this first chapter (yeah they'll be pretty short but i'll update a whole lot) don't forget to vote/comment/and add to your library to keep up with updates. tell me what you think so far! peace out sunshines.

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