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;phone call

Valentine stared at his phone only halfway listening to what his friend, Brad was going on about. "Are you listening to me?" He placed his hands angrily on his hips. 

Valentine plopped on his bed and shook his head, "I'm waiting for a call from-" He stopped as soon as his phone began to ring. He quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Answering on the first ring? I feel so special, darling." Landon spoke so Valentine could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Valentine sighed, "I thought we were done with the whole darling thing."

"I don't know why you're still trying to fight it, darling." Landon sung into the phone. "If you just accept it then maybe you could be with me right now."

Valentine scoffed, "Why would I want to be within ten feet of you?"

Landon chuckled, "Because, darling, I am currently running on a treadmill in front of one of the most beautiful views in this entire town...shirtless. You'd be on your knees by now, begging me to give you just a taste. You'd have that pretty little mouth-"

Valentine choked on his own spit, "Brad's in the room with me! Damn, for a small person you have such a disgusting mouth."

"Eh," Landon smugly replied. "You like it."

"Whatever. I gotta go before Brad tries to rip my throat off," Valentine spoke as level headed as possible. "Bye. I hate you."

Landon laughed, "Bye. I love you too."

Brad smirked at his friend, "Oh my god! Did you get that hottie that was walking away from our table's number?!"

Valentine nodded, "Yeah. He's a real pain in my ass."

Brad winked, "I bet he will be."

hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. this was just something that came to my mind really early this morning. there may be some mistakes ( i haven't had my coffee yet..oops.) don't forget to vote/comment/add to your library too keep up with updates. tell me how you liked this chapter. bye sunshines!

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