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"Give me your number." Landon spoke swallowing the last bite of his sandwich.

"No." Valentine replied for the millionth time this school day.

Landon looked up at him and gave his best puppy dogs which came off as more of a bitch in heat kind of look. "Please, darling. I want to know what you do when you get home."

Valentine dropped his pizza back into the tupperwear it was packed in. "I evade my mom's way too personal questions, I eat food, scroll through the internet, and my favorite..."

"What?" Landon questioned eagerly hoping it was something dirty.

"...Not texting you." He finished with a satisfied smirk. "You must be this tall to text me." He held his hand right above where Landon's height came. "Better start growing shorty."

"I can't stand you, darling." He shook his head. "It look like your little entourage is back so I'm gonna go." Landon slid his phone over to Valentine. "If by chance the green giant changes his mind by the end of the day I'll leave my phone with you."

Valentine rolled his eyes, "I highly doubt I'm giving you my number."

As soon as Cadence ran up and tackled Valentine in a hug it seemed as though Landon had disappeared in to thin air. Valentine joked and talked with his friends but he kept looking down at Landon's phone which lay untouched right by his hand. He quickly swiped it up and typed in his number. "No password. Typical." He shook his head saving his number as 'darling'.

Valentine groaned, "I'm going to regret this."

hey guys! i hope this chapter was good to you guys. it was really just some more fluffy stuff kinda. don't forget to vote/comment/add to library for updates. tell me what you thought of this chapter and any questions you have about the story. bye sunshines!

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