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"Go on a date with me." Landon spoke laying his head on Valentine's lap.

Valentine mushed him, "I don't even know your real name, shorty. And you don't even know mine. Why in the world would I ever go on a date with you?"

"My name is Landon. And I do know your name. You should go on a date with me because I'm cute and my house gives the best view of the sunset or sunrise. Not that you'll be able to even walk in the morning." Landon winked up at him.

Valentine shook his head, "Okay then, shorty. What's my name?"

"Valentine Cruz." He answered smoothly. Val opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

Landon shrugged, "What can I say? You intrigue me."

"You stress me out." Valentine concluded patting Landon on the forehead. "I'm still not going on a date with you. Beautiful view or no beautiful view."

Landon stood up quickly and brushed off his pants. "You know where to find me if by chance you change your mine, darling." He stole a peck from Valentine's cheek and dashed back to the building with a childish grin on his face.

Valentine soon found himself being tackled by Kenzie and Brad. "Please tell me you're dating that fine piece of ass!" Kenzie roughly jerked him by the shoulders.

"I mean he was laying on your lap," Brad smirked. "Were you getting a little mouth service, face time, good ol' fashioned blow?"

Valentine groaned, "No! He asked me on a date..."

Kenzie squealed, "When is it?"

"I'm not going. I told him there was no way on Earth I would go with him." Brad gasped and shook his head at me patronizingly.

"Give me your phone." She yanked it from his hands and scrolled through his contacts. "Is this him?" She flashed his screen to him and the name 'Shorty' appeared. Valentine nodded.

"Don't text him!" Valentine warned. Of course Kenzie didn't listen. She quickly texted him the details and smirked handing the phone back. "Oh god. You made me seem like some desperate twink."

"Aren't you?" Brad questioned.

"He's like a full head shorter than me! I'm not bottoming for his short ass." Valentine huffed. Kenzie raised a brow and nudged his side. He groaned, "Okay I'd considered it. That doesn't mean anything." 

He couldn't stop his friends from chanting "Val's got a crush" in childish voices and prancing around him.

Valentine face palmed. "I hate you guys."

hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter (there may be some smut to come). this was a little longer than usual but i think it turned out pretty good. don't forget to vote/comment/add to your library to keep up with updates. tell me what you think about this chapter. bye sunshines!

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