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Landon sat at the desk doodling in his notebook not really caring about to old teacher sitting in the front desk. "That drawing is ugly as fuck." Valentine whispered loud enough for Landon to catch.

"Your mother, darling." Landon winked.

Valentine's face went red, "Stop calling me darling. I am literally like a whole head taller than you." 

Landon shrugged, "Height is just a number plus I can't help it if I didn't grow like a magic bean stalk."  Valentine couldn't help but smile at that. "Plus you look pretty when you smile, darling."

"Ugh stop flirting with me," Valentine complained. "I'm supposed to be the sexy guy with the cool accent that gives you goosebumps. You're supposed to call me daddy."

"You can't say not to flirt with you and then tell me to call you daddy, darling. That's just now how the world works." Landon corrected ceasing his doodles all together. "Plus who said I'm flirting with a toad like you?"

"Excuse me?!-" Valentine spoke way too loud causing the old man to glare his way and offer only a very harsh shushing. "I do not look like a toad. You're a short toad and you give people annoying nicknames. I hate you."

"Hate me all you want, darling." Landon smirked sitting back in his chair. "Tell me when detention is over."

hey there guys! tell me what you think of this next chapter. tell me your thoughts on val and landon. don't forget to vote/comment/add to your library to keep up with my updates. i really like this change in writing style. it's way quicker (and funner) to update and i really like it. tell me what you thought of this chapter. Bye sunshines! 

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