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;date night

[warning: smut]

Landon had pulled all the stops and that was something that Valentine would not deny. "Wow. You really went through all this, shorty? For the first date?"

Landon grinned from ear to ear, "Well you already said that you had a guy in your heart and if I want to have any place there I've gotta do it big." Valentine nodded not like that's necessary he thought to himself as he took a seat.

They both sat there and enjoyed the beautiful meal that apparently Landon had prepared himself. "I think I could eat your food forever and not even care if I get fat."

"You'd still be beautiful, darling."

Valentine blushed, "Yeah, whatever." Landon chuckled at how sweetly he reacted to his compliments. "I've got a question."

"And am I supposed to inquire what it is?"

Valentine cracked a grin. "It's nothing really. It's just that...um...do you? I mean like do you...you know...top?"

Landon stared at him for a moment before abruptly standing and taking Valentine's hand in his own. He dragged him to his couch and basically tossed Valentine on to it.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He gasped and clawed at the seat as Valentine yanked his pants down. He leaned closer and peppered kissed along his tanned legs. "Landon-" he moaned trying to push the boy away.

Landon paused and looked up, "We don't have to go all the way darling; just let me make you feel good."

Valentine nodded and leaned back in the chair. Landon gripped Valentin's almost completely hard member through the cotton fabric of his underwear. Valentine let out a sweet moan and dug his fingers deep into Landon's scalp.

Landon smirked removing the underwear completely and grazing his hands over the sensitive vein. Valentine made a jerky movement and bit back a moan. "Daddy doesn't want his darling to be quiet. Be as loud as you want."

Landon watch as Valentine gazed at him through lidded eyes. He grinned knowing he got him right where he wanted him. Without any warning he engulfed the large member in his mouth taking it all the way down his throat. He hummed loudly causing a string of curse words to fly from Valentine's mouth.

"Fuck yes, daddy." Valentine groaned loud enough that it felt as though it would make it through the soundproof walls. "St-stop...Im gunna c-c-cu" He never finished as Landon gave one last powerful suck leaving Valentine completely drained.

Landon quickly swallowed the sticky liquid and smiled pecking Valentine on the cheek. "Wanna watch a movie and cuddle."

"I wanna pass out and die. Jesus Christ, I can't even feel my fucking legs. What the hell did you do to me?" Valentine slapped his legs trying to get some life back into them. "I hate you."

Landon smirked, "Hate me all you want. You'll still be back for more."

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