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;ice cream

"Buy me ice cream." Valentine ordered Landon pointing over the the ice cream cart right across the street from them.

Landon raised and eyebrow, "Is that how you ask for things, darling."

"Yes?" He studied Landon's face and quickly changed. "No. Please buy my ice cream, shorty." He gave his best puppy dog eyes and even went so far as to peck him on the cheek. 

"Call me daddy first." Landon smirked turning to face him. "You had no problem doing it a few nights ago."

Valentine played with his fingers, "I've only known you a few weeks. I don't even know what got into me. I'm not a slut or at all easy-"

"-I understand, darling. If you want ice cream call me daddy, darling." Landon took his hand from Valentine's hip to his ass and gave it a squeeze.

"May I please have some ice cream, daddy?" Valentine added his best puppy dog eyes along with it. Landon smirked and pulled his close, bringing their lips together and sucking on his bottom lip.

"Yes you may, darling."

Valentine groaned, "Again with this darling crap? I'm taller than you!" 

Landon stood on his tip toes and ruffled Valentine's hair. "And I'm buying you ice cream. Speaking of height the fair is coming soon and I'm taking you with me."

Valentine shrugged, "Don't try to blow me on the ferris wheel. Those things shake and one of use might fall. Take the safe route and go on the tea cups."

Landon burst into laughter. "You're freakier than me. I'm just gonna show you a good time. Because you're too adorable not to."

"Didn't you call me a toad before? Now you're all on my dick calling me adorable and beautiful." Valentine squinted his eyes. He only looked away to order three scoops of moose tracks ice cream. 

Landon kissed his temple and paid for the ice cream. "You just grew on me. Plus when I see something that intrigues me then I have to have it."

Valentin rolled his eyes and licked his ice cream. "Whatever you say Jose. Let's go back to your place."

Landon sighed, "Alas I have to study and that ass-" Landon paused to slap Valentine's ass successfully turning his face a dark red. "Is going to distract me" Valentine cleared his throat as Landon just laughed at how embarrassed he was. 

"I hate you." Valentine muttered.

"Yeah, I like you too." Landon placed a small kiss on his cheek.

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