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;happily ever after

Landon closed his laptop and walked over to his window. It had been six years since he'd moved into his parent's old penthouse in New York. He was working on his own paintings and had a gallery show coming up later that night.

He walked over to his desk and dialed up his best friend, Chloe. "Hello?" She spoke in a frantic tone.

"Is everything okay over there?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows together. 

He listened to the clatter and Chloe shouting at someone. "Everything is a-okay here boss. You just get dressed and be here by eight."

Landon chuckled, "Okay, love. I'll be there shortly."

Pulling up to the gallery gave Landon a feeling somewhat like what Valentine had given him all those years ago. He entered and was shell shocked at how beautifully she'd managed to arrange all his paintings.

"You did all this, Chloe?" He asked staring at how each picture was in a place where it was neither out shined or over dramatized. "I love it."

She smirked, "I thought you would."

As the night went on Landon shook many people's hands and sold many paintings. He grabbed his glass of wine and stood in front of his favorite picture. It was a portrait of Valentine. He called the painting Darling it held a special place in his heart.

"That painting is ugly as fuck." A very familiar voice sounded right above Landon. He gazed up and was met with the eyes of Valentine Cruz. His one and his only. 

"Your mother, darling." He retored grinning from ear to ear.

Landon gave a shy smile, "So I tried out the whole Andrew thing. I accidentally screamed your name in bed not once or twice but a total of about eight times. Andrew broke up with me. I got a job as a freelance architect. My good friend sends me an invite to the most amazing painter in the world and then I find out it's just you."

Landon, "So about that promise?"

Valentine nodded, "Sure. Let's be together. For real this time."

Landon ran into Valentine standing on his tippy toes to give him one of those breath taking kisses. He bounced back down on his feet. "Glad to have you back, darling."

 "Stop calling me darling. I'm still taller than you." Valentine huffed.

"Whatever you say." Landon sung. 


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