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[warning: smut]

"Fu-fuck...fuck yes Landon!" Valentine squeaked clawing at Landon's back. "Faster." He begged as Landon pounded restlessly into his tight ass.

"You feel so fucking good, darling." He placed a kiss on Valentine's cheek. "You like this?"

Valentine nodded and brought his head down capturing Landon's lips in a sweet kiss. Landon muffled his moans as he thrust harder reaching for Valentine's prostate. Valentine threw his head back and let out a string of curse words in his Romanian tongue. 

As they both climaxed Landon sunk his teeth into Valentine's shoulder. "You're so fucking good, darling." Valentine let out a choked noise of acknowledgement and rolled over onto Landon's ridiculously large bed.

"Seriously," Valentine turned his head towards a panting Landon. "I'm hungry and I can't feel my legs." He whined.

Landon groaned and reached for the phone. "Is pizza okay?"

Valentine nodded, "Pizza is perfect, shorty."

After Landon ordered they both cuddled up and fell into a light sleep. About forty minutes later Landon's doorbell rung. He slipped out of bed only to be stopped by Valentine, "Put on some clothes first stupid."

Landon smirked, "Don't want anybody else to see my delicious body?"

"Ugh," Valentine rolled over. "I hate you."

Landon smirked at the blush painted on the taller boy's cheeks, "Cute. I like you too." 

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