t w e n t y f i v e

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"Whoa whoa whoa watchu cryin' fa? What happened in that session today?" I pulled Savannah into a tight embrace as she sobbed into my chest.

"I'm so sorry Landon, please forgive me. Please. I know I messed up so bad and I don't deserve you but please."

I sighed knowing they must've gotten into the nitty gritty of things today in her session. We'd been here a week and they'd barely gotten into anything. I soothingly rubbed her back. "I can't forgive you right now mama. I'm still hurting. Ima forgive you in due time, I ain't going no where."

"You still love me?"

"Mhm, I still love ya."

She tucked her bottom lip nodding. "I love you too."

"I know, listen though I want you to meet my friend Keyarii. Cool?"

I could tell she didn't want to but she shrugged anyway. "Yeah, sure."

I pulled out my phone dialing Key's number while walking to the passenger side and opening Sav's door and jogging around to the drivers seat.

"Hello?" Key finally answered.

"Aye where you at?"

"I'm home. I was sleep, what do you want?"

"It's 1pm wake your ass up. I'm bout to be over there in like 30 minutes I'm with Savannah."

"You better fucking not!" I heard shuffling and I knew she was now rushing to the bathroom to start her beat. "I look a mess, I need to get beat!"


"I'll stall, 45 minutes."

"Okay okay bye!" She rushed me off the phone and I chuckled.

When I looked over at Savannah she had a pissed off expression and I sighed keeping my attention on the road.

I wasn't about to keep reminding the person who cheated on me that I wasn't going no where and that Keyarii was just my friend, that's not what I was about to do. She could keep that insecure shit over there, I gave her no reason to doubt me.

"What the fuck you pouting for Savannah?"

"I mean I kinda understand but I don't understand why you need to stay with her. Like who is she? You never mentioned her before and now suddenly she was this bestfriend you had for years? Since when Landon? If you're sleeping with her you need to just tell me because-"

"Can you shut the fuck up? Can you please just shut the fuck up? Do me that one favor and shut up talking to me."

He face read shock and anger but I couldn't give less of a fuck.

"Take me back to the hotel." She spat.

"Gladly." I did a quick and sudden u-turn causing her body to jerk.

"Fucking asshole!" She reached over slapping me in the face. At this point I was beyond fed up. I made a quick turn into an abandoned parking lot quickly killing the engine and jumping out storming over to her side.

She tried to lock the door but I got a hold of it swinging it open before she could lock it.

"Get out the fucking car!"


"Get out my shit bro!"

"No, fuck you!"

I reached over unbuckling the seat belt and pulling her out while she hit me in the chest with all the strength she had. I slammed her up against the car pinning her hands to her chest.

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