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I sat on the couch waiting for Savannah to get here. We were supposed to have left Atlanta weeks ago but everything got put on pause due to circumstances. I was currently still at Sila's house but she didn't mind me meeting up with Savannah here while she took Marley and Chocolate to the vet and then to be groomed.

The door bell rang and I sighed standing up to open it. The driver that I sent to get Sav wheeled her into the house and helped her onto the couch. I thanked and paid him as he led himself out and I joined Savannah on the couch.

"Alright." I clapped my hands together. "So, well first of all how ya feel?"

She shrugged as her bottom lip quivered.

"Nah, we not gon do that Sav. No crying. I ain't invite you over here for that. I invited you over here to talk through some shit. Solutions. We need solutions and we need them fast, otherwise next time I see ya its gon be in a casket."

"What can I do Landon? Yo-you think h-he's gonna just let m-me leave?"

"Why you stuttering so bad."

"M-minor brain damage."

I dropped my head into my hands and shook my head, releasing an exhausted deep breath.


"Severe b-blows to m-my head."

I bit down on my bottom lip becoming more and more angry. "So ya saying ya can't leave?"

She shook her head no. I analyzed her physical appearance and my heart shattered. It shattered for any woman going through this. I'd saved her from this shit once before. I couldn't do it again especially being that we was in this situation because she chose to go back to that when our relationship was going so well.

"I-if I try to leave, h-he'll just kill me anyway."

"So maybe I should kill him." I bluntly stated and her eyes popped out of her head.

"I-I can't let you do that."

"So what you wanna do bro? Leave the country or something? I'll buy ya ticket out of country right now. If you wanna leave I gotcha."

"I j-just want you back Lan." She dropped her head to hide her tears. "I messed u-up bad."

"Savannah please bro." I groaned sinking into the couch.

"I love you s-so much. I- I can do better if ya just g-"

"I don't feel the same way about ya mama. I'm sorry but.. the way you hurt me can't be undone. Can't be pushed to the back of my mind. The most I can do is try to help you right now. So again, I need you to tell me something. What you wanna do about this?"

Before the could respond Sila came through the door with an overly hyper Marley and Chocolate.

"Be quiet guys. Come on." She tried to shoo them into the room. "Sorry baby." She glanced over at me.

"You fine."

"Hello Savannah." She greeted and Savannah remained silent.

The look on Sila's face told me she was ready to check her for being disrespectful in her own house but I sent her pleading eyes and she just shook her head going upstairs with our lil babies right behind her.

"You ain't got a right to be mad at nobody but yaself. Ya know that right?"

"T-take me home."

"Gladly. Where I'm taking ya? To Bryson?"

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