t h i r t y o n e

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I'm just on a fucking roll. Can't be stopped 😂💀


"Savannah what's up with you man? These pictures are horrible." Chris sighed. We were currently backstage after one of his shows and he pulled me to the side being that the entire crew was roaming around everywhere.

"You been so off your A game lately. You know you my dawg despite what you and Landon got going on but it's a difference between Savannah my friend and Savannah my photographer. Savannah my photographer ain't delivering and I'm tryna understand why I'm still paying you to be honest."

I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking about what I should say. "I just haven't been feeling the best Chris that's all."

"You haven't been looking the best either." He scoffed.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Sav. Wearing all that damn make up to cover up them bruises. I ain't one to judge because I ain't got the room to do so but gotdamn Sav how many times he done said sorry for this shit? You a beautiful ass girl, you don't see that? You don't feel that? When you gon wake up and get tired of getting your ass beat every day? When you gon get tired of watching what you say? Waking up early to put on pounds of makeup? This the nigga you gon marry Savannah? Really? When the fuck you gon wake up? When it's too late?!"

I jumped at the base in his voice as tears rushed down my face. My mouth fell open to speak but I just choked on my words.

"So what you gon do Savannah? It's either this or that. I ain't tryna make ya life miserable and I ain't tryna throw you out to the lions but now you messing with my business. You gon either stop fucking with that or this."

"I-I can't Chris. You don't understand I-"

"I'll have your final check written out for you. You are no longer an employee of mine. I wish you the best Sav, forreal."

"Fam who you think you is man?" Bryson walked in stopping Chris in his tracks.

"Move out my way partna'." Chris stood up straight, easily towering over Bry.

"Bry please stop."

"Shut up Savannah. I ain't talking to you right now." He turned back to Chris. "What you gon fire her cause you got a problem with me?"

"I ain't got no problem unless you want a problem. I fired her because she fucking with my business. And until you get in the position to even fire somebody, don't question what the fuck I do."

"You feel tough?"

"I must be. You still running ya mouth. Ain't bussed a grape."

"We got a issue bruh?" Landon questioned Chris, walking up looking between the two. Stroking his facial hair

"Oh look what we have here." Bry chuckled. "Fuck boy one and two."

"Bryson stop!"

He shot me a look immediately making me shut up.

"You better listen to your fiancé and choose yo fucking battles wisely." Landon warned him, slowly taking off all his jewelry and handing it to a crew member behind him. "You feel what Im tryna tell you?"

Bryson cocked back swinging at Landon and Landon dodged the punch only to be yanked back by Chris's security. Chris took that time to send a blow to Bry's face making him stumble back. He got a hold on Bry's neck and slammed him into the ground.

Landon escaped the securities grip and began sending blow after blow to Bry's head while Chris stomped him.

"Guys please stop!" I attempted to run and break it up but Dada, Chris's personal stylist stopped me warning me to stay out of it. I watched as they jumped on him until security was able to pull them off.

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