Overdone Wattpad Plots

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I'm also going to make a list for this one but instead of random things it's going to be plots, that have, unfortunately, been glorified as genius. I might add a small comment of mine to some of the topics though.

-Billionaire Sex Slave novels
No no no no no no NO

-Mafia Romance novels
You do realize that not everyone in the Mafia (probably not anyone in the Mafia) is a freakishly hot single guy in his twenties who has a soft spot for a random girl and decides not to kill her, right?

-One Direction Fanfics
*shrieks hysterically and convulses*

-Bad Boy and the Nerd plot that the author insists is "original"
*sings* YOU'RE GUILTY ALL THE SAME, TOO SICK TO BE ASHAMED (great song by the way)

-That roommate plot that is continually glossed over
Why the hell would- at any campus, a boy and a girl room together? What campus does this happen at?!

-Battle of the Bands
Honestly I don't think this is a thing in real life but- okay whatever floats your boat

-Werewolf, Jealous Alpha- whatever that thing is
I like to stay far away from that one

-That other terrible one where the guy bullies the girl and then two paragraphs later they fall deeply in love
What the actual hell. No, that doesn't happen. Here, take this coloring book and sit in the corner.

-The girl is some naïve, ditzy idiot who thinks that when the guy tells her what to do and completely runs her life it means he loves her
This one actually makes me hate writing

-Pen Pals
Do people actually still write letters?

-That plot where the entire. Damn. Book. Is the two of them texting
I tried reading one of these once, I deeply regret it

-One Night Stand
Please no.

-There isn't even a plot because the Author's Note's are longer than the actual chapters

-Main girl becomes a famous singer in .03 seconds and lives a life of partying
In the words of the great Chester Bennington, "The people who think being in the music industry means, constant partying and no work, need a reality check"

-Stripper Love Story
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this could even work

-Awful one where a group of guys compete for a girls virginity is awful.
Where do you guys come up with this?!

-Jealous Stepbrother
Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

-Best friends that fall in love
You do realize the meaning of best friend means you don't get into a romantic relationship right? Right?

-Stories where the main character has some type of disease and the author gets the symptoms completely wrong
You seriously couldn't be bothered to look anything up?!

-Band AU where the "bad boy" constantly listens to screamo and Metallica but never do we know what song it is
My god just look it up! Or better yet, try listening to some! It's actually great music.

-Girl who hasn't sang in 892 years can suddenly pick up a guitar and become a worldwide celebrity
It doesn't work like that

-Popular band goes to some public high school
This. Doesn't. Happen.

These were the ones that I could think of, I hope I got most of them, if I didn't, please let me know. Also, when I said that Metallica and Heavy Metal was actually good music- I wasn't joking.


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