Chapter 3

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Zara's POV~
I walked towards the school garden...I guess I was right...there's no one...
I don't know but I feel weird...
It was so embarrassing...falling like that...
My eyes are getting teary...
And suddenly I burst out in tears...
I seriously don't know why I'm's pointless...seriously pointless...

I remember every sad moment...and I'm trying to figure out that what's the reason that my tears are flowing like this...

*cries loudly* throat is aching feels as if someone is scratching my inner throat with something sharp and pointed. TT_TT

I hear someone running towards me... I quickly wipe my tears... And when I turned to look it was my friend, Oh be more specific...she's just like my best friend...

"Yah! Zara! Where are you?"-she shouted but then she spotted me, behind a bush, with swelled eyes.
"N-n-ne...chingu"-I managed to say...
"Hey...don't act as if you weren't's so obvious"-she said softly
I immediately hugged her and cried on her shoulder...letting out all of my pains...
"It's's okay...I hope this makes you feel better"-she patted my back and calmed me.

Actually, me and Sara are childhood friends...
People used to call us oxygen for each other...if someone was like "have you seen Zara?"...the answer would be "find Sara and you'll get Zara"...this was the same with Sara also.

Sara and I have a few months difference only...but she gets irritated when I call her 'unni' and she tells me that 'I'm only a few months old!' And I always laugh at her reaction...

Okay people! Now back to the present time! (^=^)

We both heard some foot steps running towards us....
End of Zara's POV ~

Jin's POV ~
I saw Zara running out of that place...she had teary red eyes...
I can't stand it so I just rushed after her seeing her...and I just ignored everybody...

Just let them think what they want to...

Whenever I see her in heart starts to ache too 😕

I reached the school garden and I look here and there...Aishh!? Where is that girl!?
If she does something to h-h-herself...*eyes get teary*

I saw two girls sitting behind a bush...I ran upto them...turns out it was Zara and Sara...if you wanna know why I know sara...its because they both are probably best friends...
[bff xD]

"Yah! Are you alright??"-I gave a relieved sigh...
She gave me a can't-you-see look...but she still looked cute.
We both made an eye contact...which Sara had noticed...I think
"Uhh...I'll leave you two alone"-Sara said and smiled a bit, which she wanted to hide...this makes me clear that she really noticed -_-
"A-a-aniy-a-ani"-Zara was managing to say it through her tears but Sara already walked away.

"Umm...mianhae...I didn't mean to"-I told her
"Y-yeah...y-y-yeah...I know"-Zara
I noticed that she was still crying...
Idk what the hell happened to me...I embraced her in my hug...a hugged her tightly and she did the same...she held my shoulders too.
She cried more loudly...ik...she was letting out her pains...

Her eyes were full of water...they were flowing as if there is no tomorrow...

"I'm sorry too..."-she said softly
"Come on...kaja!"-I said while smiling
"Ne!"-she said while smiling too...she is an angel to me...

Our hands were intertwined...and we walked happily swinging our hands like two lost children who were trying to find each other had met.

Everyone looked at us and they were like..."wth!?"..."are they mad?"..."I think they're dating"..."is she jin oppa's  girlfriend?!"...
Aaaaaa!! These sentences angered me...I'm sure Zara was hearing them too that's why she pointed to our intertwined hands...and we both let go.

I spotted BTS...and they spotted us -_-
"Woah man! What took so long?"- j-hope
"Who's she? Are you Zara??"-impatient Taehyung spoke up
"Yeah! I'm Zara! Mannaseo bhangawoyo! I'm Jimin's sister"-Zara said while smiling.
Taehyung immediately hugged her...
"Nice to meet you dongsaeng! You're cute!"-Taehyung
"Gomawooo~"-she whined
Then there were girls coming towards us...
End of Jin's POV~

Zara's POV ~
Omona!? Girl attack!? Its probably they're magnet!!

"Bye people! Gonna rush!!"-I ran away while BTS looked at me with their jaw dropped...
"You can't leave us here like this~"- kookie pouted
"I am! Bye! And good luck!"-I bursted out in laughter

They were surrounded by girls...weirdoes...haha
Suddenly someone held my wrist! It turned out to be Jin!
Aishh...what's the matter with him!
"Mwo!?"-I was so irritated...I don't wanna die amongs their fan girls!
"Either stay or pull me out"-Jin said straight and gave me shivers down my spine...
What's with the pulling today...first jungkook...and now him!?
No choice...I don't wanna die at a young age, so I decided to pull him out...
"Come on!"-I said while pulling him
"Yeah I am"-he said while trying
Woah man!! I pulled him out of that magnetic group...but he has a magnet in him though...should I push him back?? ^_−☆

"Kaja!!"- he shouted and dragged me out of there...
School time over~~
Good for us! If you're thinking why? Its because when Jin dragged me out of the magnetic field... The school bell rung! And now I can go home!

"Hey! What are you laughing about?"-OMO!! He is so close to me...less oxygen!breath Zara!breath!!im blushing
" is over so I-I can leave f-for home..."-I stuttered more cause he got even more closer to me...breath!!in and out!in and out!

I saw a cotton candy stall...he eyed that too.

"Ooh ooh! Let's buy some cotton candy!"-he went to take some...woah!! If he would've taken ONE MORE STEP towards ME!! I would have died!
Jin brought only ONE Cotton candy!! Wae!???! I also want to eat!?!?

"Hey! Where's mine!?"-I pouted
"Relax...I wouldn't eat the the whole thing! We both can share!"-he smiled happily...his smile just melted my hear- hey!? Wait!! Am I mad !? What the hell am I saying!?
" can have the whole"-me
"Aishh pabo! I just told you I can't eat the whole thing...I'll just share a bit"-he said this while he took some of it.
He took pink colour!? My favourite colour is pinkooo!
"You took my favourite colour Jin! Thanks!"-me
"Oh wow! Its my favourite colour too!"-Jin
We fist pumped...and high-fived...
End of Zara's POV ~

Jimin's POV~
We saw Zara and Jin fist pump each other...
Woah! That's nice! Atleast she's not calling him a weirdo!

Yeah, we're spying on them...we managed to escape the place where our fan girls were and if I want to say it in Zara's sense...she would be like 'you escaped the magnetic field'...paboya...

The whole BTS is with me!
"Wahh~hyung and Zara are sharing cotton candy!?"-jungkook yelled which caused Zara and Jin hyung to look at us! Shoot!
"Yah! Kookie! Why did you have to yell!?"-me
Now hyung and Zara will think that we were stalking them that I think we were...I guess ^ - ^

"Why are you people stalking us!?"-see I told ya people that hyung will say that.

"W-w-we weren't hyung"-suga lied...which was obvious that it was a lie...

Someone hiding behind something, peeking at somebody, isn't it obvious that it's stalking...huh??
"Arasso!now let's just stop!"-Zara said irritated...that's my sister! *proud*

[A/N: soooo...ppl! How are you?? Sorry for the grammatical mistakes! (^_^)
Please tell me how my fanfic is until now...bye and take care]

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