Chapter 16

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Jin's POV~

Wow, just wow...
I'm trying to ignore Zara and now here I am, having her in my house. Now, I can't even stay peacefully in my own house.
I don't know why, but when I see her, it just reminds me of her kissing Sungjae.
I can't forget about it. I know it's her life, it's her face, it's her lips...but I-I just feel jealous.
I can't help myself.

It's not that I hate her or you know, get annoyed of her, it's just that I want some space from her.

"Jin hyung, are you still there?"-Jimin snapped, causing me to look towards him and not stay lost in my own world.
"Yeah..." I smiled a bit at them, assuring them that I was listening to them, "So, the meeting is at my house, right?"-I asked remembering the last thing I heard from their conversation.
Taehyung chuckled a bit and said, "Ani hyung, we were thinking to have a stay at your house for six days, so tha-"
"SIX DAYS!?"-Me and Zara screamed at the top of our lungs, at the same time, causing Taehyung to stop talking. I should admit that Taehyung was a bit taken a back, and we were looking quite weird. We also earned some death glares, since we were still in the café...

But anyway, why are we both saying things in unison, today?

We both looked at each other, and since we made an eye contact, she quickly looked away. She's quite shy at times like these.
"I-isn't six days too much?"-Zara asked, stuttering.
"Let me finish first"- Taehyung smiled at our reaction
"Six days, so that we can finish it together and it'll also be nice. We want to win that jackpot, don't we?"-he took out his hand and after a little while Jungkook kept his hand upon Taehyung's, then Suga acted the same, followed by Sara, then Jimin, then Rap mon, then J-hope and then the new girl, Sunghee, then I did the same as the others and then finally Zara did the same, while pouting a bit.

"Finally!"-J-hope and Taehyung high-fived
I just chuckled and ruffled Taehyung's hair.
"Good job"-I smiled

End of Jin's POV~

Zara's POV~

"Let's get back to our classes now. The bell is just going to ring anytime. See ya people later!"-Sara left us, waving her hand

Actually Sara wasn't in my class but this project is assigned to the whole school, seniors and juniors. It doesn't matter, it only depends on your creativity. These groups were made by looking at people's friendship. The teachers keep a look on us. This work needs co-operation, and friends can co-operate the best. Sunghee was a new student that's why she was added up in our group.

"Bye! See ya later!"-I shouted back

"Let's get going too!"-Sunghee clung on to me. Her sudden reaction gave me a shock!

"S-sure..."-I replied back

"Bye guys~! See you later!"-Sara blinked at me, knowing that Sunghee was stuck to me like glue. No wonder why I think about glue sticks when she's near me...

~~In class~~

All of it was back to normal.

The seniors headed back to their class and our class was sitting peacefully now.
"I'm sorry but I can't attend your class just now, students. I have some work to do for the project. You're free for now"-the teacher left us AGAIN

Can't we study for once!

The whole day just passed like this. We haven't studied a subject yet. First the seniors, then the project, NOW THIS!
Why can't this day just get any better?!

I think it JUST got better...WHEN SUNGHEE CLUNG ON TO ME AGAIN!!!

What the heck does she want now?!

"Yes?"-I asked her politely, though I just wanted to punch her in her face...guess that can't happen, not now...

"I'm with you!"-she squealed...wait wait wait, with me?
"Where are we going?"-she batted her eyelashes
"I-I was just going to t-the library...Oh oh! You know what! You should go check out and explore our school. It'll be quite fun!"-I tried to get out of this situation
"You sure that I won't get lost?"-she said trying to make a cute face, which instead turned out to become a duck face.
"Yeah yeah, and if you do, there are people here and there, just ask them"-I gave her a reassuring smile. I know that I'm being a little harsh on her, but I want some time alone.
"Okay then, bye"-she said while heading towards the hall way

FINALLY, I'm just by myself.
No worries, no head aches, no tension, no noise, it's just me and the books.

"Annyeong Belle-ssi"-I greeted the librarian and bowed a bit
"Annyeong Zara. You haven't been here lately, why?"-she said giving me a smile.

I'm a book lover and I was mostly found at the library. I haven't been here lately because I don't get enough time. I have good relations with the librarian. She's nice, friendly, helpful and most of all, she understands me well.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have time"-I answered politely
"Oh, it's okay. I know, I was a lot busy during this week too"-she chuckled a bit
"See you later. I have too find the 'perfect' book for me"-I giggled
Yup, I always said that sentence whenever I entered the library. It's just like my catch phrase.

I walked towards the enormous book shelf and tried to find a nice book.

How about this one? doesn't have enough pictures in it.

I was trying to take out a book that was too high. I tip toed and reached it, but sadly I dropped a pile of books on my head and fell down. And the most interesting part was that almost every book surrounding it fell except that one. What a luck! or may I say 'what a height...'

I was going to stand up when I saw a book just in front of me, on my lap. It looked quite interesting?

It said 'What is LOVE?'

Yeah, actually what is love, seriously?...

These words lingered in my mind and made me want to read that book more and more, as if it had a magnet in it too.

I stood up with that book and kept it aside, and fixed the book shelf that I had messed up.

After all the cleaning, I picked up that book and stared at its cover for a minute.

Duhh...I'm probably NOT in love...

I opened it and started to turn pages.

Just then I found a chapter called 'how to find out if you're in love'. That's quite interesting.

'How to find out if you're in love ♥︎'
I started to like that book somehow

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