Chapter I

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Stiles’ POV.

There she is, Lydia Martin, my crush since the third grade. She’s staying next to her locker with Allison Argent, talking and gesturing hard. Today she pinned up her hair in a bun, green dress emphasized a color of her eyes. Both girls looked pretty nervous. Lydia looked around and saw me, smiling to my direction politely. I waved for a reply.

After 7 years of totally ignoring me, this year we became friends. She would probably never notice me, if Scott haven’t became into a werewolf. It changed everything.

- Hi. - Isaac went next to me.

- Issac, hey. - I answered and followed him.

- Have you seen Scott? - he asked.

- He’s gonna be a little late, his mum needs help in the hospital.

A school bell rang.

- Let’s go to the class. - Werewolf managed.

Lydia’s POV

- See ya later. - Allison put her hand on my shoulder and walked away.

I looked to direction when Stiles was standing a minute ago, but he wasn’t there anymore.

I really like him. He’s always there for me when I need him. He’s always here to help me or cheer me up. He’ll always protect me and won’t let me die. He’s so cute. I haven’t noticed this before, when I has the most popular girl in school, dating a captain of a lacrosse team…

I walked into the class. Every places were taken, only one table was free, behind Stiles. I sat on the chair fast and put my books on the tabletop.

- Good morning. - Our new math teacher said. The old one got sick and we got mr. Meade for a replacement. He wrote three lines on the board, cutting in for a 4 parts and clapped in the hands. - I need four volunteers. - Some hands raised up, so did I. - Okey, so Lee, Vanessa, Adam and Lydia. - I got up and went to the board, took a piece of chalk playing with it my fingers till he didn’t give me a task. - And for you Lydia, I got something special. - I looked at the paper. ‘Special?’ I thought. It was so easy. I did my task before the three other persons standing next to me. I raised my hand to let Meade know I’m ready. He walked to me and stared at my notes. - Well, I’m impressed mrs. Martin. - He said and I smiled.

When I was coming back to my table Stiles has his thumbs up. - Thanks. - I said loudless. When I sat on the chair I opened my book and done few more tasks.

Suddenly Stiles turned to me. - What were you talking about with Allison 10 minutes ago? - he asked whispering.

- Why should I tell you? - I asked quietly, not stopping writing in my notebook.

- You looked a little nervous. Was it about all those supernatural things happening lately? Did you have a new vision?

- No. - I denied.

- Lydia, I think you should stop seeing Aiden, and Danny should stop seeing Ethan.

- Why? - I raised my head through the book.

- Because those twins are dangerous, okey? Isaac told me that one is getting inside another and they’re turning into some incredible monster. - He said seriously.

- Well, Aiden haven’t hurt me yet, so why do you think can do it anyway? - Talking with Stiles about by boyfriends was awkward. I know that he’s kinda in love with me. It was pretty embarrasing.

- Maybe he will. I won’t forgive myself if he’s gonna hurt you. - He was so serious.

- Why? It won’t be your fault.

- Because I haven’t stopped you from dating him. - He looked into my eyes. His look was deep and intense.

- Stilinski! - Meade shouted. - Turn around! - as man said Stiles turned around.

Stiles’ POV

A lesson ended and I went to my locker. Scott was standing next to it.

- Hey buddy.

- Heey. - I replied to my best friend and high fived. - Isaac is looking out for you.

- Okey, I’m gonna see what he wants. - He wanted to walk away but I stopped him.

- Is he your new bro now? You’re spending more time with him than me.

- Stiles you’re my one and only big bro. - he laughed and left.

I saw Allison taking her books out of a locker. I came to talk to her.

- Hi, Stiles. - she greeted me with smile.

- I’m worried about Lydia, she shouldn’t meet Aiden. - I said seriously.

- I know, he’s an alpha. But what I can do to stop her?

- You can talk to her, convince her. Since, she’s a little psycho…

- I am not psycho. - I heard someone’s voice behind my back.

- Woah, Lydia, you scared me.

- Stop saying that I’m crazy! I am not crazy! - she said angry.

- You’re something, okey? I don’t know what, maybe some kind of medium, or a witch. You hear sounds that no one else hear, you have visions of things that never happened. - I said.

- And? I’m not insane, I’m just a normal intelligent girl! - she said indignant and walked away.

- We need to do something. - Allison said watching her friend walking away.

- What? What can we do now? - I wanted to help Lydia so much, but it was nothing I can do.

- We need to convince her that he’s not good for her.

- How? - I wondered.

- We gonna find something bad about him, what's gonna convince Lydia to never meet him again.

We Might Fall: Stiles&Lydia [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now