Chapter VI

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Stiles' POV.

I left the math room quickly, just not to come across Lydia. We didn't talk of some days, since that day when it almost came to a fight between me and Jev.

- Hey. - Suddenly I heard a voice of strawberry blonde haired girl. I froze. She put her hand on my shoulder. - How are you? - She smiled and stood in front of me. Her hand slided down my arm.

- Fine, you? - I replied politely, a little suprised that she's actually touching me. She never did that before.

- I'm great, thanks... - Martin bited her bottom lip, looked down and sighed, then looked right back at me. - So, what's up? Are you coming to the homecoming? - Girl smiled politely again. This situation was really awkward. We were both acting really awkward.

- Yeah, I think so...

- Nice, me too. And what's your date? - Lydia looked at me expectantly.

- I think I'm gonna go with Scott, as bros. - I gasped. Last year she was my date. Sadly it's not happening again. I lowered my head and asked - How about you?

- I'm coming with Jev... - she answered quietly.

- Seriously?! With that asshole?! Really?! - I was anxious. This dude really irritates, mentioning him even for a little is annoying.

- That's a long story... - Girl looked at me a little shocked.

- I swaer to God, if he's gonna hurt you...

- You will be my guardian and kill him, I get it. - she interrupted me. But you don't have to protect me. I can take care of myself. - I heard irritation in her voice. Maybe she was right. I shouldn't treat her like a defenceless little girl. After all, is strong. Possible even stronger than me. She bited her lip and took one step away from me. - See you at the party. - Pissed walked quickly down the corridor.

Lydia's POV.

- This one or this? - Allison held two dresses, one blue with bronze ornaments from the waist down in the style of balls, and the other a simple white, wrinkled.

- I'll go with the second one. - I replied simply.

We were in her room prepering to the homecoming. We both didn't have the slightest desire to go there. But we had to somehow get away from everyday problems. The whole time I'm worried about Stiles and our joint relationship. Last is really strange, but I'm afraid to talk about it.

- Hey, you're okey? - Ali asked me seeing I'm a little upset.

- Yeah, I just pondered. - I answered without taking eyes from the floor.

- Oh, Lydia. - my BFF threw dresses on the bed and sat next to me. - Don't frown. Someone can fall in love with your smiles, remember? - she wrapped her arm around me, hugging and rubbing my shoulder.

I looked at her through the tears and sighed.

- This night's gonna be horrible.

- Where is my always positive attitude lady? - she looked at me and started stroking my back.

- You're queen has problems. - I barely smiled.

Allison smiled too and put her head on my shoulder, hugging me tightly with both arms.

- You don't want to go there? - she asked quietly.

- No. - I whispered. - But I have to. - I pulled away from her, took a deep breath slowly releasing it again and stood up. - Come on. We have to be prepared. Time is pressing. - I chuckled.

This night can't be that much a disaster, I'm gonna be the homecoming queen.

Stiles' POV.

Maybe we should come home... - Scott said quietly.

- What?! Now you want to retire? We're almost there.  And besides, you deceived me to came. You won't get away with now.

We entered a gym. The crowd has already played with the best to the music of Katy Perry. I looked around. At the other corner of the hall I saw Lydia.

She looked really beautiful. I don't even know how to describe it... She always looks so pretty but now... just princess. She was talking with Emma. And then reality hits me. Lydia will never love me. She'll never feel the same was as I do for her. We're friends. I hope that this cannot lose.

Eyes wandered away. I saw Allison and Isaac. They were dancing, laughing. I felt a little strange.

I looked at Scott. I read from his face that he sees the same thing. He looked down. That look made him feel really upset. I patted him on the shoulder.

- Don't think about it, okey? Everything will work out... - I tried to comfort him but to no avail. He quickly left me alone without the word, went somewhere into the crowd.

'You can't stand there alone like a fool.' - I said to myself and followed my friend.

After a few seconds I felt that someone grabs my arm.

- Hey Stiles! - It was Cora. She chuckled and held my hand.

She looked pretty. Well different. I never saw her in dress.

- Hi, what are you doing here? - I asked a little suprised.

- Scott invited me. He told I deserved a little bit of fun. - She smiled.

He haven't told me that. I thought it will be just us... Anyway, parting with Cora sounded better than being here all alone.

- Let's dance! - She laughed and dragged me along the floor.

I was a little surprised by her behavior. After all, is the sister of Derek. This situation was a little strange. I never seen her like this. Typically, most of the time, she would punch me in the face. But hey, maybe get to know her better. It's just one night ...

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