Chapter IV

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Stiles' POV

- I remind you about your reports for next week. - our teacher said.

I sat in biology class looking at Lydia writes something on the board.

I chickened out. I had the opportunity to tell her how I feel, but I chickened out. I was scared. I was afraid of what will happen next. I was afraid of her reaction. What if she laughed at me? Or cease to speak to me at all?

The bell rang to mark the lesson is over. Quickly packed the book in your backpack and walked out of class, so as not to come across Lydia.

- Stiles! Hey Stiles, wait! - I heard her behind my back.

I didn't want to be rude so I stayed there for a moment.

- Lydia, hey! - I said not looking at her.

- Are you avoiding me? Everytime I go on Facebook you suddenly logged out.

- Mere coincidence. - I lied.

- And yesterday after a math class I called you, and you didn't even turned away.

- I was busy. - Lie again.

- I hope you're not mad at me or something. - She stopped and grabbed my arm, I would have done the same thing. - Are we okey? I mean, between us? - she asked acquired.

- Yea, yeah. - I finally looked at her. - Everything's fine, great.

She smiled politely and walked away, sending me just silent 'bye'.

Lydia's POV

I sat in the library studying the book of physics, I put an elbow on the table and rested chin with fist. Almost no one was in the room besides me, a librarian and two brunette high school graduates. It was very quiet. I started dialing a pencil beat seconds hand.

Suddenly, someone slipped into the chair opposite of me.

- Hey Lydia. - Isaac greeted me.

- Hi. - I replied dispassionately without taking eyes from the book. - Have you found that dead body?

- Yes, it was just a suicide. Police found an empty box with sleeping pills and a bottle of vodka next to him. - he answered. - Can I ask you something?

- Depends on what.

- Do you think I have any chance with Allison? - he asked quietly.

Surprised I raised my head from reading.

- What do you mean?

- Recently we approached each other, and I probably fell in love with her. I'm just afraid that it's all complicated. She and Scott were together and he is like my brother. I don't want to hurt him.

- Well, I think he still have feelings for Allison. But I don't really know. You should talk about it with Stiles. - I said and came back to reading.

- What about Allison? Can you also talk with her about that? You know, discreetly, without arousing suspicion. - He said, almost whispering. I lifted my eyes to heaven. - Please? - he added trying to mae a puppy face.

- Fine. - I quit shortly.

- Thank you. - moving away from the table, let me stitch and mischievous grin. I rolled my eyes only.

Plump someone sat down next to me.

- Hey babe. - it was Aiden. He said that seductively trying to kiss me on the cheek, but I managed to swing and he lost a balance. - What's wrong hunnie?

- We broke up, remember? 

- Yea... but now when Darach's gone we can be together again. - He put hand on my thigh, but I quickly slapped him in it so he pulled it away.

- I told you. I can't be with someone who killed Boyd.

- It wasn't me.

- But you helped Jennifer to do it.

- Derek killed him.

- You know it's not true.

- Why do you care anyway? He wasn't your friend.

- And? He was innocent, and you're the one reason of why he's dead. You also tried to hurt Isaac and Scott.

- But I'm better now. - He said pulling up my chair to his. He was too strong so I could not get him to break. - Can I have one more chance? - twin added solicitous.

- I will think about it. - I answered and when he loosened his grip, I got up packing my things into a bag and walked out of the library as fast as I could.

I went on a school playground where was helding a lacrosse training. I sat in the stands holding math homework in a hand. I didn't watch our team for the night when Jackson turned into a werewolf.

- Stilinski! Descended seasonal star of our team! It's nice to once again deigned to honor us with your presence on the pitch. - in coach'es voice could sense the sarcasm and amusement. - Good to see you too, Lahey. McCall! Show that there is still fit to be captain of the team and stand at the gate. Here we go!

Scott obediently stood at the gate.

- Well, well, Lydia Martin. Long time to see. - Susanne came up to me, girl I used to hang out with, as long as Peter Hale bite me. Behind her stood Queen. Both sat between me.

- I'm busy Susy. - I said without taking my eyes off the task.

- What happened to you Lydia? You used to be the greatiest girl in Beacon Hills. Now you're hanging out with bumpkins like McCall and Stilinski. - Other said.

- What happened then in the forest, so that you have changed that much? - Susan asked.

- Not your bussiness now. - I said shortly.

- We can restore your former glory. We can even make you and this year's homecoming queen. You can go back for being the princess of Beacon Hills. - Susanne provided.

- Funny, you haven't care about me, since me and Jackson broke up.

- Understand us. You became a strange, mad. We had to wait until you get back to normal. - Queen said.

- So I was unnormal? - I asked indignantly.

- Kind of. - both answered in the same time.

- But now you can go back for our little gang. So what do you think? - Susy batted her long, glued eyelashes.

- My answer is... - I approached her. - No.

- Well, you had a chance, but now you lost it. Forget that you ever will be able to speak to us. - she said offended and left. Queen followed her.

I returned my eyes out. Next to fire was Stiles. He swung with all his might, and the ball flew straight into the net. Scott surprised at what had just happened a few times spun on its axis.

- That's right Stilinski! This is how we're shooting! - coach shouted and came to him saying - Maybe this year you'll override Jackson's place in the first line.

For these words Stiles made his happy dance. I laughed to myself. It was so cute.

At home I fired up the computer. Inbox icon was flickering, as a sign that someone has sent a message. I opened an e-mail.

"Sorry about that today. Sus reacted too impulsively. We all consideration to the matter and came to the conclusion that we lack your mean character in the group. I hope you will come back to us. Let me know when you'll decide.   -Q"

I lay down on the bed, considering her proposal.

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