Chapter IX

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Stiles' POV

I walked out of my hospital room and followed Mrs. McCall to the doctors room. I looked at her nervously, I wanted to know what is happening with me already. But I couldn't read anything from her face. Was is good? Was it bad? Her face expresion seemed it's something in between. Am I sick, but it's not hard enough, so they'll heal me?

- What is happening to me? - I asked as we entered a room. By hand she pointed to the empty chair opposite the desk.

- Sit down, Stiles please. - She said annoying me. I tilted my head back and made the command. I put my crossed hands over the table and sighed raising my eyebrows at her.

- Can I know now?

She smiled softly at me. - Stiles, you're fine. - She finally said bored of my questions.

- What, how can I be fine? I have not slept for a three days! - I picked up from the chair, being sure she's lying to me.

- That's true, Stiles. You're okey. Tests didn't reveal anything that might endanger your health. You're all healthy. - She said calmly, maybe a little teasingly. It was kind of her thing. I always liked her. She was like a second mother to me. But the way she's playing her little games pisses me off.

- Then why am I still awake?

- Guilt. - She replied shortly thumbing through my results.

- What? - I narrowed my eyes. What the hell was she talking about?

- It's guilt of not doing something. It devastates you from the inside. You can't sleep, eat, you may cannot see it, but you feel it. It's somewhere deep in your subconscious. You just need to go drown to find it. If you solve it, all simptoms will be over.

- What do you mean? How can I know what it is? - I scratched my fingers from nerves. All I wanted was to fall asleep. I will do anything to find it. Even though this argument of her for me was ridiculous. But in the other hand she's a nurse and lives much more years than me. She's more experienced too. I had no idea what causes my guilt.

- Stiles, what was happening in your life lately - Frowning I shrugged my shoulders. - Maybe something important happened. Maybe you wanted to do something, but you didn't, and now subconsciously you can't stop thinking about it.

I listened to her carefully. I asked myself: what would it be? I guess nothing like that happened for me lately.

- I don't know. - I shrugged again.

She leaned down against the desk putting her hands with crossed fingers over it.

- Stiles, what happened at the Homecoming?


Lydia's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sound of alarm clock woke me up. With eyes still closed I searched a button to turn off its sound. Feeling sun softly shining on my face I yawned rubbing my eyes until I opened them. As I did I saw Allison's still asleep next to me. I was in her room. We were learning all night and fell asleep on her bed. Slowly I raised my back feeling a huge pain in my neck. I looked back and saw a biology book under which I was sleeping all night long.

I crawled to Allison and poked her arm. - Wake up, sleepyhead. - I chuckled yawning again. She mumbled something and picked up a pillow placing it above her head. I pouted softly and took another pillow with which I hit her a few times before she raised up and hit me back.

- Okey, okey, I'm awake. - She provided with still sleepy voice.

It was a long night. We were suppose to learn all night, but in the end we spent only an hour for it. The rest of it we talked about our love life.

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