Chapter V

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Lydia's POV.

There was a long pause, during which the elite of Beacon Hills High daily met in the chemical class. I opened a door. Everybody was there: Queen, Susanne, Emma, Jev, Simon and Nate. They greeted me by cold smile.

- So I decided. - I started.

- Lydia Martin, finally something occurred to you. - Liz got up from the chair, she was sitting in the corner of the room, I did not notice it right away. Once she and I uesd to be best friends, and also the biggest rivals. She wasn't very glad to see me.

- Long time to talk Lizzie. - I replied giving her a neutral look.

- So how you've decided? - Emma asked me.

- I will come back, but I'm certain conditions.

Liz snorted with laughter.

- We listen. - Jev said.

- I'm not going to laugh at someone's hurt as I used to. I won't backbite and laugh at others. Do not forbid me to meet with other friends.

- I also have some comments. - Jev interrupted me. I raised my eyebrows. - You won't enter your friends to our club.

-  Okey, but you have no right to make fun of them.

- Okey, but you will go to the homecoming dance with me. - I saw sparkles in his eyes. I looked around the class, everyone was listening to our conversation, barely I heard of Queen chuckled.

- Okey, but you have to bring me flowers. - I gave him a flirtatious smile.

- Okey. - he just smiled. I was waiting for a continuation but he didn't say anything more.

- Welcome back Lydia! - Emma shouted cheerefully and hugged me. This blonde was always the kindest.

Stiles' POV.

Walking through the hallway I noticed a crowd coming out of the room facilities. Noticed Lydia among the people. She was talking with Jev Garbel. I hate the guy. In the nursery has always taken me to lunch. But why is she talking to them?

I quickened my pace to be the case to not come across them.

- Stiles! Stiles, hey, wait! - I heard Lydia's voice behind. She ran up to me. As a courtesy layoffs step.

- Why are you hanging out with them? - I asked without thinking.

- What do you mean? 

- You know what I mean. - I stopped, but Lydia went on. Corner of my eye I saw a her deep intake of breath and turns back to me. I started whispering. - You're not like them, Lydia. You're better, way much better than these empty, dissolved kids.

- Stiles... - she interupted me quietly but I igonred her and continued.

- This isn't who you really are. This isn't you. You've changed. You're not that lifeless exterior popular girl anymore.

- I know that! - she said, almost shouting. - Listen... I know, I'm not that girl anymore. And I don't want to. Hanging out with them will just help me to forget what I really am, and remind me of times when I was normal. It doesn't mean I'll stop talking to you. Don't worry. - she explained and walked away.

I'm kind of relieved. But I still didn't want her to talk with them. I was afraid that she'll forget how she truly is, and I'll never get back.

I know, I'm selfish. But I am also worried about her.

Lydia's POV.

After school I went with Emma and Susanne to nearby pub. They browsed fashion magazines and criticizing outfits. I used to love to do it, but now it's annoying for me.

- Hello ladies. - Jev suddenly came up to us, welcoming the fake French accent. I had to stop in order not to laugh. It sounded pathetic.

Boy dragged a chair from the next table, put the other way around and straddled by supporting arms where there should normally be at the back. He leaned into me to give me a kiss. In the time I had a chance to swing.

- Save it. - I said indifferently, not taking eyes off Cosmo magazine. Girls giggled softly.

Suddenly the place went Scott and Stiles. They took a table near to us. Stilinski sat back to me.

- Emma, want to accompany me to the toilet? - Susy asked a blonde who nodded. Both came out of the box and went out toward the bathrooms, swaying hips.

As soon they disappeared from sight, Jev sat on the couch next to me. He put his arm behind my back. I pretended that I totally don't mind closeness. Suddenly his fingers touched my chin and pulled his lips sticked with my lips. Every time I tried to break him, he pressed me closer to himself.

- Let her go! - I heard Stiles behind my back.

- Excuse me? - Jev asked standing up and looked at him. He was a head taller than my publisher.

- I said let her go. - Stilinski repeated.

Jev laughed. I really wanted to punch him in the face.

- You think you can tell me what to do little boy? - he pushed Stiles, that he lost a balance.

- Yeah, I do. - he pushed him back.

- Don't bother, so nothing's gonna happen to you.

- Don't ever touch her again.

For these words Jev became really angry and pushed Stiles' back through the wall. I stood between them, extending hand in front of Jhim, protecting against his fists.

- Don't hurt him. - I told him to.

- What the hell are you doing?! If you want to fight, go outside. I don't want the fights in my pub. - owner came and kicked Jev to the door.

- Are you okey? - Stiles asked me.

- Yeah, I'm okey. How are you? - I answered.

- I'm fine.

- Thank you. - I gave him grateful smile. Jackson never be so devoted to mem to see that someone is trying to touch me, even when we were together. I always needed to protect just by myself.

Stiles replied me by cold smile and walked out of the bar with Scott.

I stayed alone, waited till Sus and Emma come back from the bath, so I can go back home with them. I didn't want to go alone. Jev could be unpredictable. It wouldn't be surprised if he attacked and raped me.

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