Chapter VIII

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Lydia's POV

- You don't have to do this, you know. - I heard Allison from behind my back as I was on my knees looking for shoes in my wardrobe to fit my todays outfit, navy reached to the knee dress with little red flowers all over it.

- And show Jeff and everyone else that I'm afraid of him? No way. - I shook my head.

It was Monday morning, about half past 8. Allison came to me 10 minutes ago to support me after that discreditable homecoming night from Friday.

- I'm just worried about you. - She said with a concern voice.

- Hun, you don't have to worry about me. It will be okey. That jackass won't bring me down. - I said simply as I finally found right shoes. Red platform once with 2 inches high. I am tiny, so I need to help the nature. I sat on the my bed beside her to put them on.

- Of course not. - I felt her stare on me. I looked back at her for a moment, before stood up and went to the mirror. I took hairbrush and red eraser to wrap my hair in a ponytail. We were already late, my alarm didn't ring, so I woke up just an hour ago. I didn't have time to do something better with my hair. - I just don't want you to crack up, like after last years homecoming. - She continued walking toward me. I saw her reflaction in the mirror, she stood behind me.

As I made my hair done I turned to face her. - Last year I got bitten by Derek's uncle. And then I ran naked in the woods. It's not that bad now.

- You're right, and it won't be... - She interrupted sighing quietly. - I-I want to talk to you, honestly. - Her face turned from caring to serious and sad.

- What is it? - I asked and frowned.

- You're lost, Lydia. After you and Jackson broke up, you changed. - She started out. - You seem absent, especially after that thing with Peter. I can't stand it. I can't watch my best friend being sad for a year.

I narrowed my eyes, I felt my heart beats faster from reminding of the memories. - What do you mean?

- I mean Jackson broke you. You're still not okey with the fact that he's gone. 

I laughed softly. - Oh, please. I'm better off without him. Now I don't have to play dumb for his benefit. I can be myself. I am free.

- No, Lydia, after he walked away, you started dating boys you didn't feel anything for. You used them all to forget about your loss. And you keep hanging out with assholes. This is not a salvation, you know. - I could sense sorrow in her voice. I repealed my lips to deny, but I couldn't.

She was right. She knew me very well. I couldn't handle the fact that someone that I had real feelings for, turned his back on me.

- Okey, maybe he broke my heart, but I didn't love him. Our relationship was never real. - I was trying to explain. - Now I'm having fun. And you can't say you don't want it too. I mean, good girls are bad girls who haven't been caught, right? - I smirked but I didn't make her laugh.

This seriousness didn't leave her face even for a second. - You're lying. You can't have heartbreak without love. If your heart was really broken, then at least you know you really loved him.

I shook my head immediately. - No, I didn't love Jackson Whittemore.

- You did. It's just hard to admit you loved someone wwho hurt you the most. - She added quietly.

I couldn't take more of it. I took red bag from my bed and headed to the door. - Lydia? Lydia, wait. Lydia please, I'm so sorry. Lydia! - I heard yelling behind my back, but I didn't turn around.

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