Chapter VII

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Lydia's POV

- Here's a drink for my tonight's princess. - Jeff came back to me with a glass of pink punch, he reached out his hand with drink in my direction.

- Don't exert. - I just rolled my eyes.

I didn't have the slightest desire to be here, and even more I didn't want to be here with him. I turned my head as a sign that I won't accept a glass from him. Two years ago we went together with all the crew to the party, then he was dating Liz. Emma had noted that he's pouring a rape-pill to her drink. I wouldn't be surprised if this time he'd do the same.

- Lydia, maybe you forgot, but I'm kinda your pass for the better world for popular people. It will be better for you if you'd be a little nicer. - He leaned over me, he said it slightly nervous and quietly. I felt his breath longer traces of alcohol in his system.

- No thanks. - I smiled fakely at him. 'Please go away already.' I begged in my mind.

- Don't frown sweetheart. Something's wrong? Our homecoming queen can't be sad, come on smile darling. - He sat on the chair opposite of me.I didn't believe a single word or his feigned concern. He's an arrogant, he always has been and always will be.

- I came here with you, but it doesn't mean that I have to spent whole night with you. - I informed him. I wanted to see Allison. Right now. Perhaps she's somewhere dancing with Isaac. I hope she's having fun anyway.

- No. You can go alone to the bathroom. Oh wait, girl never go alone to the bathroom. I still don't know why. Wanna tell me more about this dirty little secret? - He smiled that smile that made me want to punch him in the face. But I didn't want to do the scene, not now, not this night. I already endured much, then stand still until the end of the evening. He may take offense and go to his cronies? That was my night hope.

- You're such an ass. - I said with disgust. Popularity and recognition him as the most handsome guy in Beacon Hills High totally broke his mind.

He was always spoiled and pathetic, but every year this things are getting magnifited more and more.

- No, no, no. Sweet Lydia, dear sweet, candy Lydia Martin can't act like that. You need to be more polite, if you're not I don't see any future in this school for you. - He stood up. Finally. Every minute without him is a masterpiece for my psyche. But I was not going to let him go without answering him.

- So that's how you're always getting a girl, huh? Forcing them to be nice to your selfish ass for popularity? - I raised my eyebrows.

- Don't forget about what was I sayin'. - He leaded down to me again, whispering in my ear, and left somewhere in the crowd, leaving me alone.

Stiles' POV

I was dancing with Cora for like half and an hour. I was nice not to be alone. She's really great. But for all the time I was thinking about Scott... I haven't seen him anywhere. I'm afraid that for the despair he will do something stupid, hurt somebody or whatever.

Little Derek's sister saw me being upset. - What's wrong? - she asked with caring.

- What do you mean? - I pretended I don't know what is she talking about. I didn't have any urge to tell her about my bro's and Allison's relationship.

- You know what I mean. This look on your face... - I looked around the crew. I didn't see neither Scott, Isaac or Allison. There is a fullmoon in next two days, maybe they are talking about that night? At least, I hope Scott will not do anything bad to anybody tonight.

- What look? - I questioned silly. I looked back at her. She was really annoyed.

- And for the first time in this night I really want to punch you. What are you worring for? - I laughed a little to myself as she said it. Of course, she's Derek's sister, I've forgotten.

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