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The woman was still lovingly latched onto me as Harry moved forward.

“Mum.” He almost whined, clearly somewhat embarrassed by his mother’s startling gesture.

Our embrace was cut short as her arms were pried from me. She lightly curved her lips, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. I giggled upon hearing the younger female laugh. Her short blonde hair swayed slightly as she peered around to witness my amusement. Her eyes gave her away, the same captivating green Harry’s held. Jess. I had to be. But my intrigue was soon answered.

“Bo, this is my mum, Kathy and my sister, Jess.” He gestured respectfully. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

The clipped tone he used told me he was a little annoyed. Knowing Harry he would have probably liked to arrange a meeting and not have it thrust upon us. But I didn’t mind, I was pleased to see them, finally.

“We were in the area.”

“It’s lovely to meet you both.” I smiled.

“You too, Hunny.”

We were silent for a few moments, Harry’s arm drifting to fit around my back, fingers carefully stroking in an effort to relax. Two sets of eyes were intently staring at us, smiling at the gentle affection being given. Their curious gazes led me to assume that they weren’t used to seeing this side of Harry. I wondered if they had ever seen him with a girl at all.

 “You’re still in your pyjamas.” Harry’s mum casually commented, her skin crinkling around her eyes as she smiled.

I felt the teasing squeeze on my hip, drawing me closer into his side.

“Mum, we’ve only just got up.”

“It’s nearly midday, sweetie.”

It was a mother worrying about her child, perhaps overly so having not been able to care for her son for the last four years. It must have been difficult to adapt to the current situation, a leap in time; missing out on nurturing Harry into a young adult. It wasn’t neglect, it was absence on Harry’s part.  But before anyone else could reply, a humoured voice spoke out.

“Well, they were probably doing something more fun than sleeping last night.” Jess stifled a musical giggle behind her hand.

My face flared a bright shade of pink as Harry’s bare chest became the subject of interest. The love bite I had given him in an act of passion seemed increasingly prominent in the new light. This embarrassment shadowed over the thought of my own mother discovering the marks I had left on Harry’s body. This was my first and only impression I had to give to Harry’s family, and we had practically just rolled out of bed from an active night in the sheets. I prayed for some sort of relief, a distraction, anything.

I hastily shifted my body in front of Harry’s, hoping to hide his freshly brandished skin. I rubbed my cheek with the cuff of his shirt I was currently adorning, trying to squirm away from the uncomfortable feeling. An arm playfully tightened around my waist. Jess was still laughing as I turned my head slightly to communicate a little more privately.

“Go and put a t-shirt on.” I mumbled to Harry almost harshly.

He appeared highly entertained by my mortification, eyes glittering with humour.

“Come with me.”

I was tugged towards the door frame, following suit behind Harry.

“Excuse us, we’re going to change. Make yourselves at home.” He indicated for them to take a seat on one of the leather sofas.

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