Chapter 3

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Halfway through my third song I felt someone tap my shoulder, i paused my music, opened my eyes and turned around.

It was Luke.


"Hey" he said sitting down opposite me

"Hi" i replied, taking my headphones out and sitting up.

"You alright, friend" he said sarcastically, pulling out crisps from his backpack.

"Yeah, fine thanks. what are you doing here?"i asked pulling out my water bottle.

"I could ask you the same question" he gestured for me to take a crisp but i nodded my head, i want very hungry.

"This is where i hang out at break" i admitted

"Oh, ok cool" he said before stuffing a handful of crisps into his mouth.

"So what where you listening to?" He asked moving closer to me so he could see what was on my ipod.

"Paramore, theyre a.."

"American rock band, yeah i know theyre great, i love their music, and Hayley's hot"

"Hmm.. I didn't think you would be into that kinda music" i said honestly.

he gasped. "Are you judging me already?" He shrieked, raising his eyebrows.

"No..i didn't mean.....i just thought that..."

"Woah, woah, woah, ashley its ok, I'm just kidding" he explained.

"Oh" i breathed a sigh of relief and rested my head back on the tree.

Luke just stared at me and laughed, then sat right next to me and rested his head on the tree.

"So this is what you do huh?" He asked looking up at the sky through the gaps in the tree, today was a warm day compared to most, the weather has improved a lot lately.

"Yep, pretty much" i instantly replied

"I guess its kinda relaxing" he said closing his eyes wriggling around until he was comfortable, i couldn't help but laugh.

"Comfortable yet?" I asked looking at him, smiling.

He opened one eye and looked at me "eh, it'll do, for now" he replied sarcastically.

"So, what do you do when know not doing this?" He asked, eyes closed, head resting on the tree.

"You mean, when I'm not in school"


"I, uh, just go home and play my guitar"

His eyes darted open and he sat up straight.

"You play guitar, no way"

"What? Your not judging me already are you?" I asked sarcastically.

He laughed and bit his lip, i looked down at the grass, then tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Do you play?" I asked nervously.

"Sure do"


"Can you sing?" He asked looking me in the eye.

"Uh, kinda, i mean...yeah...i guess" i stuttered, then looked down at the grass, picking strands of it out.

"That means yes, but you don't want to admit it" he said winking at me.

"I guess... one day we could, sing together" he mumbled, smirking.

"You sing too?" I asked surprised.

"Of course, i was in a band in my old school" he admitted proudly.

"Really?" I asked skeptically.

"Really" he replied.


We just stared into each others eyes for what felt like forever, but was actually about twenty seconds, before the bell rang, making me jump.Luke let out a small laugh.

"C'mon, we gotta get to class" i said standing up and stretching.

"What class do you have next?" He asked getting up off the floor.

"English, with Mr.Dennison"

"Ah, bummer, i got Mr. Maxwell"

"It would've been cool if we were in the same class" he admitted, i smiled at him.

"Yeah, it would've been cool, i would've had someone fun to talk to" i replied honestly.

"Well you still can, here put your number in" he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me.

I looked at his phone, then back at him.

"Go ahead, i wont bite" he said gesturing for me to take it.

"Oh, ok" i took his phone,added my number,then handed it back.

"Awesome" he said putting his phone back into his pocket.

"I'll walk you to class"

"Do you even know where my class is ?" I asked shyly.

"I'll know when you show me" he replied smirking.

We made our way across the school, till we were outside my class.

"Here we are" i said stopping outside the class.

"Your class is just down the hall" i said pointing in the direction of his class.

"Cool, uh i guess i will see you later" he said, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks for walking me by the way"

"Ah, its cool, besides you showed me the way" he admitted.

He made his way down the corridor toward his class.I walked into my class and sat down in my usual seat, took out my books and placed them on the desk.

Mr. Dennison was setting up a movie for us to watch as part of our assignment, it was called 'to kill a mockingbird'. He switched of the lights and as usual when watching movies the whole class sat back in their chairs, took out their phones and began texting their friends. I just sat there and began doodling on my book.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out to check the message

'So.....what shall we talk about?'

It was Luke.





Pieces Of Me ~ Luke Hemmings (IN NEED OF DESPERATE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now