Chapter 15

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All i kept thinking was how long can Luke and i really last, i mean who am i to Kiran and her expensive clothes, her good figure and her popularity. I won't be surprised if the pressure gets to him and he suddenly stops talking to me.

I don't want to lose Luke. But i can't shake the feeling that somewhere down the line....

..i will.


The rest of the day went by in a blur. I avoided break and lunch with Luke and instead spent it in the library making it look like i was studying when in fact i was thinking about him.


I cant get rid of what Kiran, Jemima and Iram had said to me in the changing rooms.

How low they made me feel. I felt angry about ignoring Luke all day. He hadn't stopped texting me, however i highly doubt he spent break and lunch alone. I'm Sure he had some female company to entertain him.

The school bell had rang signalling the end of the school day. I shoved my books into my bag and darted off down the hallways towards the exit.

I was planning on avoiding Luke for the rest of the day, and week for that matter. As much as i hated them, they were right. Im not good enough for Luke. In fact I'm nowhere near it. I'm Sure he just pitied me , thats the only reason why he kissed me.


Not love or affection.


I walked out of the school gates and began making my way home. I was met by a familiar face that i didn't expect to see.

"Ashley hey"

"Oh, hey Ashton"

"Whats up?" He asked.

"Nothing just heading home"

"Oh, well hey do you need a lift?"

" i guess i mean if you dont mind"

"Not a problem, it looks like its going to rain soon anyway. I'm just waiting for Luke then w'ell head out"

"NO." I yelled causing him to look at me questioningly.

"I mean..uh...i just remembered my parents want me home, yeah, they're um..waiting for me"

"I thought your parents worked late?" Ashton asked smirking.

"Not on mondays, its a work schedule thing, so they get mondays off, yeah, so um bye" i said and walked around him to keep walking.

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"Are you alright?, did something happen with you and Luke?" Ashton asked.

"No, no no its...everything's fine i just have to go"

From behind Ashton i could see Luke walking out of the gates with Kiran by his side. Her arm was linked with his and she was laughing like mad about something he said. I felt water begin to rise up in my eyes and Ashton turned his head to see what i was looking at.

Kiran noticed me before Luke did and instantly used that to her advantage. She kissed Luke on the cheek and smiled at me wickedly, before saying goodbye to Luke. He looked at her slightly confused, then watched her walk away. When he turned back around his gaze met mine and by now the tears were falling. He called my name and started walking over to me. I yanked my arm from Ashton's grip and started running home.

Pieces Of Me ~ Luke Hemmings (IN NEED OF DESPERATE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now