Chapter 29

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I love her and there's no way i'm letting her go.

She needs me and i need her.

We need each other.

I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, so i reached over and switched off her desk lamp, before pulling the duvet over her to keep her warm.

I planted another kiss on her forehead before allowing the sleep to consume my body.


Ashley's p.o.v.

I woke up to the sunlight sneaking through my windows, illuminating my simple bedroom. I rolled over to see an absent Luke.

I sighed, but i'm not sure why. I'm glad that he left before my mum woke up but i would've loved to have just seen him next to me.

I sat up in bed and stretched feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. Groaning i fell back onto the bed staring up at the ceiling. I rolled over to Luke's side of the bed and noticed a small envelope sitting on the bedside table addressed to me.

I reached over to it and picked it up, the pain still shooting through my stomach. I groaned again clutching my stomach with the note in my hand as i hopped out of bed and rushed over to my calendar.

There's no way i could be a week early, but the familiar pain suggested otherwise.

I rushed into the bathroom only too see that my suspicions were correct, i had started my period.

I took a quick shower before changing into fresh clothes and ensuring that i took paracetamol to numb the pain. Once i was all fixed up i sat on the end of my bed and read the note from Luke.

Morning sunshine,

You look so peaceful when your asleep. Don't be mad that i didn't wake you, i actually wanted to record your snores, and yes you do snore so don't deny it.
The boys and i will be waiting for you whenever you want to come over, so feel free.

I love you.


P.s. i hope you get this letter because if you don't then that would be weird o.o

I laughed at the words written on the paper before hugging it close to my chest. I placed it in my bottom drawer as a keep sake, as something to look back on in the future.

I left my bedroom and went downstairs where mum was drinking coffee on the kitchen stool. Noticing the clock i saw that the time had passed 12:20pm. I made myself a cup of coffee to help soothe the pain that i was still feeling, the paracetamol would usually take a while to get to work.

I sat down beside mum with one hand clasped around my coffee mug and the other clasped around my stomach.

"Morning mum." I greeted.

"Good morning sweetie." She replied, sounding tired.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah...i just um....i have a lot to do today. Work has taken its toll on me. How are you though, after last night i mean?" She explained as she turned to look at me.

"I..i'm okay, just a little shaken i guess." I replied, looking down at my coffee.

"Hey mum ...uh...can i go over to Luke's later?"

"Well...uh...i guess so honey, but i'll drive you okay, seeing as you don't have a phone anymore and i need to know where he know incase he breaks your heart." She laughed causing me to laugh along with her.

Pieces Of Me ~ Luke Hemmings (IN NEED OF DESPERATE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now