Chapter 26

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"Now then. Let's get you home huh Ashley its been a long night" Ashton said as he put his car keys in the ignition and started up the engine, before driving away.

I kept my head on Calum's shoulder and Luke placed his leg protectively on my leg, he grasped it tightly as if he was too afraid something might happen to me if he let go.


We had been on the road for over fifteen minutes and were almost at my house. The whole car journey consisted of me sniffling and constantly apologising to the boys, other than that everyone was silent.


Ashton turned into my street and began driving down, up to my house.

I wonder if my mum was worried. I completely lost track of time with tonights events, i had no idea what the time was.

The car pulled up just outside my house and Ashton turned the engine off.

"Here we are" he said, breaking the silence.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem" he replied, winking at me, causing a small smile to curl up on the corners of my mouth.

"Thank you guys, for everything. I know that I hardly know you but I already love you guys, the way you stood up for me tonight....nobody's ever done that for me before, so thank you....really" i explained, analysing tonights events.

"Ashley its not a problem, you're important to Luke, so therefore you're important to us" Michael said, shooting me a warm smile.

"Aaaaannnnddd.............we love you too Ashley." Calum added, stretching out the word 'and' for effect.

I smiled at each of the boys, then turned to reach over and kiss them all gently on the cheeks, Calum, Ashton and Michael.

"Right. Well, uh, i'll walk you to your door." Luke said after i finished kissing the boys.

"Okay. Goodbye guys, i'll see you tomorrow?" I said as more of a question.

"Sure." Ashton replied.

"Bye" i mumbled as Luke stepped out of the car and I followed behind him.

I closed the car door behind me and took Luke's hand in mine, intertwining my fingers in his.

"I'm ready Luke." I whispered as I looked up into his ocean blue eyes.

He looked at me confused. I took a deep breath in and explained myself.

"I'm ready to tell my mum about you........about us. After tonight, everything that you and the boys did for me, i cant just pretend that you don't exist. If you wasn't for you Luke Hemming's who knows what would've happened to me back there, or at the party. I know I probably should've told her sooner, but i jus-" he stopped my by attaching his lips on mine, gently.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he gently placed his on my waist.

He pulled away a few seconds later.

"No matter what happens....i will still love you" he whispered as he placed another kiss on my lips. I nodded and lead the way up to my doorstep.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in before knocking on my house gently.




The door opened, revealing a very stressed looking woman, who's eyes were slightly puffy and red as if she was crying.

Pieces Of Me ~ Luke Hemmings (IN NEED OF DESPERATE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now