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I ran into the road to look ahead and see her, a blinding light flashing across the landscape. Another explosion to my right blew me off my feet and I smacked into the asphalt, my face scraping along the ground. Dazed I clambered back to my feet my ears ringing and blood gushing from my nose and cheek. My eyes gazed upwards to see her beautiful shine hovering above me, as she stretched out her hand I grasped and as if I were a feather she effortlessly brought me back onto two feet. Opening my mouth to speak I was interrupted by a flash and she had gone before I could say thank you.

I staggered to shelter and surveyed my wounds... broken nose, grazed cheek and a huge shard of glass protruding from my calve. I winced as my eyes watered and I slowly pulled the shard from my leg releasing a stream of blood trickling onto the floor. My shelter was a shop and behind the counter I hoped for a first aid kit or at least a bandage, but with my leg in ever growing pain and my body in a weak state it would be a struggle to travel over there. Digging my nails into the carpet I pulled myself closer to the counter and continued until I was half a metre away. Then I heard it...

A/N-I'm so sorry it's been a while I've just got completely distracted from wattpad and haven't done anything on it. But if there is anyone that reads this thanks coz my stories haven't really been noticed much recently so please if u like it tell others coz I do put a lot of time in when I get round to writing a bit and it would be really appreciated.
Jesus Christ that was a long authors note soz

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