A Message

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Me and Daniel had split up to search for the supplies we needed for the escape, honestly there weren't many but in the middle of what might be called an apocalypse, they were hard to come by. As Daniel and Terrance went to gather food I was left with the job of finding some sort of weapons. I had begun my search in a few abandoned houses with the knowledge that lots of Americans used to own a firearms but not luck. Then I entered a supermarket, as I snuck through a hole in the side wall, I noticed a wall of weaponary behind the counter but there was also a slight obstacle between us. The counter about 30 feet away, it was heavily fortified; what seemed to be bullet proof glass, a wall of debris organised as a barrier and an army of mutants meandering around.
In my sight were around 25 mutants but I was positive there was more hiding in the aisles. Steadying my breathing as an attempt to silence myself, I crouched and scurried behind the  televisions against the wall and slid along towards the counter. As I moved I thought about Daniel, 'How was he willing to let me in on the escape as soon as we met?' Suddenly one of the mutants started walking towards me looking intrigued, my breathing ceased and I stood there scared for my life. It stopped a few feet away from the screens and it's eyes lit up with curiosity, wait, I let out a sigh. A reflection in the mutants pupils showed an image on the screens, a message to the people.

People of Seattle, if you are alive and listening to this then you are in grave danger. A new threat has surfaced and it threatens all of us, the walls are sealed off and nobody is allowed to leave although many have tried and been killed for their attempts at escape. I'm sorry it has come to this but the world is plagued with war and this city has the key to America winning. If any of you know the whereabouts of this 'lumos' figure please step forward and let the authorities take her down, do not attempt to interact with her at all costs.

The message stopped and my body froze, I had to talk to Daniel and warn him. The mutants had all swarmed different screens completely exposing the counter. Shuffling around behind the televisions I made it to the counter and crouched behind it. "That felt too easy" I thought to myself, "why fortify an area then leave it unguarded?"

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