A new companion

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I limped out of the abandoned store back into the war torn city of Seattle. For years the citizens of America have been hiding behind our giant walls to forget the horrors of war in the real world, a world full of sickness, sadness and death. After my Dad died to save this godforsaken country me and my mother moved to Seattle from Dublin thinking that I would get a better education and health care. Boy were we wrong...

2 years later and I still have no friends no life and now no home, I don't know where my own mother is. She probably died in the explosion I ran away from, like the coward I am.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud bark and the clicking of claws against tarmac. Suddenly a great, big Alsation burst from around the corner in full sprint. It came barrelling into me, taking me off my feet and stood on my body coating my face in a thick layer of saliva.
"Terrance! Come here boy." from round the corner ran a boy no older than myself, obviously chasing after my attacker. "Don't worry about it," I assured him.
"Are you sure? He does this a lot but people don't usually have a reaction like yours."
He offered a hand and helped me up, I wiped down my face and asked him a question. "Any idea what's going on this time?"
"Last I heard it was New Zealand bringing the bombs, but these days it could be anyone from eastern Europe either."
"Wow people really don't like the US."
"You're not from around here are you?"
"Came here from Dublin a couple years back hoping for a safer place to settle down," I answered his question looking at the floor signaling the conversation was over.
"Anyways, me and Terrance here were heading for the wall. People say there's a safe zone out there protected by the shining light herself." As the stranger spoke I thought about her more and maybe if I go with them she could tell me why I'm so special to her.
"Hey would you and Terrance mind if I tagged along?"

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