Chapter 28

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Has anyone heard of the Outlander series? I started reading the books, and just started watching the TV series. I can say I'm now obsessed with it :D Love it love it LOVE IT! Now I have to wait sadly for season 2 :( That's what I get for binge watching...oh well. This chapter is more Araile/Shinrai fluff, so I hope you enjoy.

Araile shifted as a breeze blew, lifting tendrils of her hair and making them dance in the air. She shifted, bringing her knees in closer against her chest. A small part of her was yelling at her, cursing her for leaving Shinrai alone and rushing off like a child.

Snorting, she stood up, brushing off dirt from her pants and straightening her shirt. She was indeed acting like a child. She gazed up at the sky as it became dyed with a rich red, and slowly made her way from her spot.

Night was approaching, and she was worried Shinrai wouldn't know the way back by himself. She blinked as she gazed around the village streets, trying to spot her love's purple hair. Could she consider them lovers? They both liked each why was she so hesitant to label both as lovers?

"Shinrai is definitely more than a friend that's for sure" Araile thought to herself.

A small smile graced her features at this thought as she continued walking along the lit streets. She bit her lower lip as she searched for Shinrai, and a small pit of worry began to grow in her stomach. Where was he?

"Araile?" a voice broke through her thoughts.

She quickly looked up, and a large smile spread across her lips as she laid eyes on Shinrai standing a couple feet away. Araile walked over and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. She felt Shinrai stiffen in surprise, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around her back.

"I'm sorry for running away like that" Araile murmured against his shirt, and Shinrai tightened his hold briefly before releasing her.

Shaking his head, he took her hands from his neck in his, the warmth of his hands beginning to warm hers.

"I'm sorry too. I should have been more thoughtful" Shinrai said, eyes lowered sadly.

Araile gave him a gentle smile and weaved her fingers with his. Tail twitching, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, giggling when a pink colour began to race across his face.

"Come on, let's go back. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired" she said, tugging Shinrai with her as she began to walk.

The two walked hand in hand through the streets of Konoha until they finally arrived at the apartment. Night had fallen by that time, and as Araile opened the front door Shinrai hesitated. Blinking in confusion, Araile tugged at his hand.

"Come on, you can take Kakashi's room. He's still recovering in the hospital" she said.

Shinrai nodded with a small "oh" and followed her inside.

"It's down the hallway" she said before disappearing into her own bedroom, the door closing with a soft 'click'.

Shinrai stood in the front for a minute, taking in his surroundings on a more detailed level. The times he had been here he had either been too tired or too wounded to notice. It wasn't very ornate or fancy, just a plain apartment with all the necessities.

He began walking towards Kakashi's bedroom, but stopped outside Araile's door. He bit his lip, wondering if he should go in or not. Nodding to himself, Shinrai quietly opened her bedroom door.

His green eyes blinked when he noticed Araile lying in her bed in a deep slumber with the light on. She must have forgotten to turn it off.

Suppressing a snort, he flicked the light off and quietly padded to her bed. The moon shone through her window, cloaking her body in silver. Shinrai sat on the floor with crossed legs and leaned his back against the mattress. It didn't feel right sleeping next to Araile at the moment.

Those other times were by pure coincidence.

Shinrai let out a light sigh and folded his arms across his chest, getting comfortable. He leaned his head back against the mattress, and his ears picked up the faint sound of Araile's breathing. It soothed him into a deep sleep as the moon continued to shine in the sky.


A noise woke Araile from her slumber. Blinking sleepily, she raised her head from her pillow and looked around her bedroom. It must have been the apartment creaking.

A figure blocked her view from the rest of her bedroom, and she rubbed an eye before looking at the figure beside her. Araile smiled gently when Shinrai snoozed beside her, his arm cushioning his head.

Sometime during the night, he must have gotten up and laid beside her in his sleep. Talk about sleep walking. She suppressed a giggle before lying her head back down on her pillow. She gently stretched out her hand and caressed the side of his face. He mumbled something incoherently before letting out a soft snore.

She let out a small giggle this time before retracting her hand and snuggling into her pillow, her body once again entering Dream Land.

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