Chapter 30

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The plot bunnies have taken over my brain. They demanded that I publish more chapters! As a side note, I wrote about a character 'roaring'. When I wrote this, I had the hollow roar from Bleach in my head. Think of that as you read this chapter.
Araile sat on the ground, eyes wide in shock. Her heart stopped for a second as she saw the man who had taken care of her for 2 years. A man who in her eyes was like a father figure, and had taught her to fight.

"Seishin? What are you doing here?" Araile asked slowly, letting go of Kakashi's vest.

She stood up, confusion showing on her face. Her legs trembled as she gazed as Seishin. The man wore armour on his shoulders and a piece of armour across his chest. His eyes, once kind and sparkling, were hard and cold. He grinned maliciously as Araile continued to gaze at him in confusion.

"I don't understand..." she murmured.

"It's simple, my lovely Araile. I brought you to me so you could be part of my little demon army" he said as he calmly walked towards her.

"B-but what about Kazoku? And Meiyo and Taiyo!" Araile cried out.

Her head was beginning to throb as Seishin threw back his head and laughed.

"You stupid girl! Kazoku was in it with me the entire time! Taiyo and Meiyo are part of my army" he said with a crazy gleam in his eyes.

Araile's heart stopped. It seemed like time had also decided to stop. Her pupils shrank to pinpricks. Everything...was a lie? Seishin brought her to the Land of Mortality just of be part of a mindless demon army?


Her heartbeat thudded in her ears. Her chest heaved as her lungs tried to work to bring in the needed oxygen.


Her muscles began to tremble. It was all a lie. Their kindness...was a lie.


The demonic energy that had been gently nudging her mind suddenly bombarded her with full force, taking full control. Her nails elongated as a deep growl rumbled from her chest. Her canines grew to sharp points, and Araile threw her head back, letting out a loud roar.

Seishin regarded the 14 year-old with calm interest. So, this was her demonic power. Before he could blink, Araile lunged towards him. Her eyes glowed a deep purple as she slashed at Seishin with sharpened claws. He lept to the side, and Araile snarled as her eyes followed his movements. She was quicker then he expected. Well, now he was ready for her.

She let out another roar and slashed at Seishin again and again. He grabbed her wrist, and flung her into the trees. She hit the trees in a cloud of dirt and splintering branches. Sighing, Seishin brushed his armour off.

A snarl caught his attention. So, the demon was still going. He smirked, and took out a katana. The blade glittered dangerously in the sunlight as the demon girl rushed at him. Seishin calmly aimed the sword at the charging demon. He slashed his katana down, earning a hiss as the blade cut into the girls skin. Blood splattered from the slash, but she kept charging at him.

Slash after slash, and yet Araile still kept charging. Seishin smirked; she was starting to slow down. Then he would make his ultimate move. Araile had shown that she could no longer be a part of his demon army, so he had to exterminate her.

Letting out another roar, Araile charged at Seishin again. Her mind was overcome with the need to maim and to kill this man in front of her no matter what. She didn't feel the numerous slashes across her body. She wanted to kill the human. She wanted to rip his throat out with her nails.

A cold feeling washed over her suddenly. Hissing, she looked down to see Seishin's blade entered through her stomach. Blood poured from the wound and dripped down in a steady stream. Seishin grinned and retracted his katana. Araile stumbled back, hissing at him as blood poured from her. Ragged pants filled the air as Araile weakened from blood loss. Her muscles trembled and burned as she fell to her knees.

She let out another roar, but it was cut off when Seishin gripped her by her throat. He easily lifted her up, and cackled with glee when she struggled against his grip. Growling, Araile kicked her feet out.

"Araile!" a voice cried out.

Seishin turned his head slightly in slight amusement.

"Well, look who it is. Shinrai, my boy! It's been a long time" Seishin cackled, clenching Araile by her throat tighter.

A choked sound came from the girl struggling against his grip. Glancing at Araile, Seishin's eyebrows rose as he watched the purple colour bleed out from her eyes. Her canines returned to normal length, and her nails returned to normal.

"Well well. It seems like you repressed your demon side" Seishin mused.

"Seishin? What are you doing?" Shinrai said as he watched the scene with confusion.

There was blood everywhere. What was going on? Seishin carelessly threw Araile to the side, and Shinrai's eyes widened when her body bounced once on the ground before she came to a skidding stop on her back.

"A change of plans, Shinrai. You will understand it. I will see you at a later time. You and Araile...well maybe not Araile. Her time is quite limited" Seishin grinned before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Shinrai blinked, confusion briefly holding him still. Shaking his head, Shinrai ran over to where Araile was lying. He knelt down and gently lifted her upper body up, cradling her against his chest. She had gashes everywhere, and a large stab wound on her stomach bled profusely. He gently brushed a strand of stray hair away from her face with a shaking hand.

"Araile? What happened? Please, say something!" he pleaded, fear coursing through his veins.

He searched desperately for a pulse, and with a sigh of relief found one. It was there, but it was weak and fluttery. A groan came from her lips as he smoothed her hair back. He didn't know what Seishin did to her, but Araile was hurt badly. Shinrai gritted his teeth as rage surged beneath him. He would never forgive Seishin for what he did to Araile.

He placed a gentle hand on her stab wound. The katana had stabbed Araile deep in her stomach, and Shinrai didn't know how much longer she had. He gripped her to his chest, not caring if her blood was soaking into his clothes.

He gently lifted her legs with his other arm and held her closely. Standing up, he swiftly turned around and began running to the Konoha hospital. He had to get Araile to the medical nin and quickly.

He wasn't going to let his love die.

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