Chapter 2

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Sunlight streamed through the branches as Araile walked through the forest, the sounds of nature lifting her heavy heart. She had decided to go out and take a walk, promising her brother that she wouldn't try and go to her old village.

Since that time a few days ago, there seemed to be a conflict going on inside of her. Her heart wanted her to break away; to run as fast as she could into Konoha and into the arms of her friends. Her head wanted to listen to her brother. He was her only brother, and he was important to her. Araile knew Kane was keeping her away from Konoha because he was protecting her.

But it sure is a weird way of protecting his own sister.

Sighing, Araile jumped over a fallen tree log that was riddled with moss. The rhythmic thumping of her feet hitting the soft ground led her mind into dreamland. The forest was quiet and peaceful, with birds chirping from various trees. Two squirrels chased each other across her path and down a tree and up another, chattering angrily at each other.

Before long, clouds covered the sun and blanketed the forest floor in shadows. Araile's heart began to pound furiously and a cold pit settled in her stomach. Stopping, she looked around, ears twitching in various directions to hear what had made her react like this.

The birds had stopped chirping and the wind was still. Araile looked around, stomach churning with worry. What was going on?

A branch snapped the tiniest bit, and Araile sprang into the bushes, her nerves tight.

Crouching low, she hushed her breathing, but her heart continued to pound loudly. Pulling her knees to her chest, her ears continued to twitch back and forth.

Footsteps approached rapidly to where Araile was standing just moments ago. The smell of alcohol and body odour wafted over to where she was hiding. Grimacing, she gagged and silently put her hand over her nose, trying to block out the stench.

"Oi! Wher'd ya go to? I know yer here!" a gravely male voice shouted, letting out a loud belch after.

Hiccuping, the stranger grunted and ambled away, his footsteps thudding heavily on the ground. She stayed still, ears twitching slightly to hear where the man had gone to. After a couple minutes, she concluded that he had left the forest. Araile slowly crept from around the bush, tail twitching.

Looking down the forest path, she saw no one and sighed in relief. Slowly standing up, Araile took one tentative step back towards where she had come; intending on going back to the safety of the cottage.

A large hand suddenly clamped over her mouth, cutting off a scream that escaped from her lips. His large hand squeezed her jaw, successfully securing her jaw tightly closed. Another arm went around her waist, pinning her arms to her side. The rancid smell of alcohol and body odour invaded her nose in full force, making Araile feel sick to her stomach.

A dark chuckle rumbled through the stranger, and she could feel the vibrations through her back.

"See? I caught ya. 'm go'n to have me some fun" the man said, causing the 14 year old to shudder in fear and disgust.

She squirmed and tried to aim her feet to kick her attacker, but he nimbly avoided the kick.

"None o' that now! Bu' I do like 'em feisty" he mused, and her ears pinned back against her head, fear rising within her.

Her gold eyes widened as she felt something slimy slide against the back of her neck.

He was licking her!

"Oh no...I think I'm going to puke!" Araile thought as a shiver ran up and down her spine.

"You taste good fer a lil lady" the man chuckled.

He shuffled her over to a nearby tree and squished her against the tree, his large form pressing against her back. Araile squirmed, trying to at least get one arm free. She twisted her body, trying to get loose. Unfortunately, the gross man tightened his grip on her jaw, his fingers pressing tightly into her cheek muscles. Araile bit back a yelp of pain as he continued to press harder.

"Help! Kane! Kakashi! Anyone!" she screamed in her mind, and continued to struggled against her attacker's restraints.

"None o' that" the man grumbled, and reached around to grab a handful of her white and black hair.

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