Chapter 32

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Here is chapter 32! Thank you to everyone who read my chapters and vote for them! It makes me smile seeing that little red dot notification. As usual, I don't own Naruto.


Heaving a sigh, Araile brushed a hand through her white and black locks. She had healed enough so she could be discharged from the hospital, and she was glad.

It seemed like she had spent a large amount of time at the Konoha hospital. Her tail twitched in annoyance as she waited at the front door of the hospital. Shinrai was supposed to meet her here before setting off, and he was late.

Hopefully Shinrai wasn't taking after Kakashi too much....

"Araile! Sorry I'm late" said-person shouted as he ran up to her.

Araile gave him a small smile and slung her bag over her shoulder. They already had clearance from the Hokage, and Araile didn't want to wait any longer before setting off. She bit her lip as they started walking towards the gates. The two walked in silence for some time, and Araile's mind began to wander. Were they really just being used by Seishin and Kazoku? What about Meiyo and Taiyo? Was she too late to save them?

Sighing, Araile looked up to the clear blue sky. A bird flew by, and a small spark of determination ignited in her heart. She would save Meiyo and Taiyo, and figure out what was going on. If need be, Araile would also defeat Seishin and Kazoku.

A thought suddenly occurred to her and she looked at Shinrai.

"Hey you know where they would be?" she asked.

He nodded solemnly, glancing up at her as they passed under the gates.

"Somewhat. I remember passing through a wall which was in a large cove of trees. It was in a weird shape" he said as his eyes held a look of concentration.

"I think it's in this direction" he said, and pointed down the road, and Araile nodded.

"Let's go" she murmured before shifting her bag in a more comfortable position.

A knock on the door echoed through the small apartment. Sighing, the grey haired Jonin looked up from his book. Why would someone want him now? And just when the book was getting good.

He hoisted himself up and ambled to the door and opened it. His single eye opened in surprise when he saw Kane standing there, looking a little worse for wear. His black hair clung to his face as he panted for air.

"Where is my sister?!" Kane demanded, gold eyes darting around.

"She's not here. She left with Shinrai, why?" Kakashi said, single eye narrowed.

"Where! Please tell me!" Kane all but demanded.

Kakashi was about to make a sarcastic remark, but something stopped him. Kane had a look of pure panic on his face as his eyes continued darting around. His gold eyes were filled with fear as he unconsciously clenched his hand in a fist.

"What's going on?" the Jonin asked, eye narrowing.

"They are headed towards a trap. The two my sister are going after; they know she is coming. They will try and kill her" the young man said.

His face may have been expressionless, but Kakashi could see that Kane was clearly distraught. The Jonin nodded and walked out of his apartment, thinking quickly. He locked the door and quickly bit his thumb, slamming it on the floor. Symbols appeared and a large plume of smoke appeared. Barks sounded as the smoke cleared, and his nin-dogs stood there.

"Hey boss, whatcha want?" Pakkun, the pug, said.

"Araile and her friend are in danger. I need you all to track them down and stay with them until we get there" Kakashi said, and a chorus of growls and snarls sounded from the group of nin-dogs.

The small pug's eyes widened as he took in the information. His master's old charge was a favourite of the pug's: she had never pulled on his ears or his cheeks like all the other children did. The girl held a spot in the pug's heart and he would do anything for her...not that Pakkun would relay that information publicly.

The dogs gazed at Kakashi before disappearing in another plume of smoke. They would find her scent and follow it. They knew Araile's scent very well and Kakashi was 100% positive they would find the young girl and protect her.

They always looked after her even when she was small. Even Pakkun had softened up to his master's young charge, and would often let the small child snuggle close to him if she was having bad dreams. Yes, they would find Araile. Her and Shinrai.

"Let's go" he said to Kane, and rushed to the Hokage's building to get clearance.

He stole a glance at Kane, and saw that the young man's face was troubled. He was hard on his sister, but still loved her. Kakashi just hoped they weren't too late.

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